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Everything posted by BladesGrant

  1. Yeah I don't think "sorry officer I don't know how fast I was going because my speedo stopped at 120mph!!!" would wash to be honest!! but your digital keeps going/? I would have to look at that mate cause I always have mine on the temperature. Its not something I can just pop out and try either.
  2. Yeah I don't think "sorry officer I don't know how fast I was going because my speedo stopped at 120mph!!!" would wash to be honest!!
  3. I believe there is Mark. I think it was done when the car was imported as I have a certificate of some sort regarding the speedo.
  4. Cheers mate. CS sorted this out for me and I believe he will be offering the service as an exchange one to have them sprayed as a pair in what ever colour you like. Sure Mitz will be along shortly to confirm the service though.
  5. I will have to check to see if there is a needle stopping it from going any further. I suppose once you get past that speedo your speedo is irrelavant anyway!!
  6. I know, its because its Friday and I haven't had a drink yet!!!!!!! Whats more embarrassing is the missus is a proper photographer!!!
  7. Just had a little work done to make my engine bay look a little cleaner and thought I would share with you all. I have basically had my plenum and throttle body painted to match my K&N Typhoon kit. I didn't like that the throttle body broke up the colour. Here is the result: Looks loads better imo. Hope you like. Grant
  8. Oh yeah I noticed it was faster, just wondered why the speedo would still stop if its an electronic limit that has now been removed. Just my own curiosity that wants to know as I would have thought that with the limit off the speedo would go up with the engine.
  9. Looking for a little help from any JDM that has had the UpRev. Even though the top limit has been removed (can go above 122mph) my speedo still seems to stop just shy of 120mph (which I believe is around 112 after the conversion from kph to mph) but the revs still keep climbing. Has anyone else noticed this after having UpRev or using the the other methods to remove the limit? Before anyone says I wasn't testing this on public roads!! I will also drop mark a PM to ask.
  10. +1 on Lime Prime, it rocks, really makes the paint dance in the sun.
  11. Car feels amazing, definitely the best mod to go for IMO. Cars original figure was 242whp and ended with 252.6. I wasn't really interesting in the big figures but the way it felt and definitely not disappointed!! I think that puts the flywheel hp at somewhere in the 280s but sure someone can correct me if I am wrong.
  12. I went to Abbey at the beginning of the month to have the Zed tuned. As everyone else has said Mark and the team are very friendly and the service is second to none. The Information mark gives you is great and explains everything he is doing to the car. Anyway here are my mods for comparison: K&N Typhoon (although I was running OEM airbox for tune but Mark took this into account) Motordyne Plenum spacer 5/16th Japspeed Y pipe Japspeed K2 Here are my graphs: As everyone else has said its not really the figures that explain what happens to the car. When you drive it the car just has so much response. Everything feels more crisp and even sounds better. The 100% throttle makes a difference and I can't say about the limit being removed as not tried that one although it was very tempting on the way home!!! I will definitely be using Abbey again in the future and tapping Mark for his knowledge. Grant
  13. Voted. Its close with the R33 so come on chaps and help out!!
  14. BladesGrant


    Your best bet is to contact the traders on here. I got my spacers from CS.
  15. Glad you managed to sell it mate, are you still coming to the meet if you are free. Turn up in the track car if you have by then!!
  16. Happy to help mate. Good to meet you and thanks for taking a Zed away from Leamington!!! Hope you enjoyed the drive home, how long did it take you to stop ? Any second thoughts about letting the missus have it?!?
  17. isn't there an XYZ Y pipe as well? not sure on price but thought it was reasonable. Think Abbey supply these.
  18. Now when people try to evict you from benches you can tell them you drive a F430 don't you know!!!! Looks a beaut mate. Any jobs going?!?
  19. Its totally down to personal choice and thats the great thing about modding. Some people wouldn't have their Zed without the K1 and others think its too loud. Horses for courses and all that................
  20. Probably because everything was getting quieter and quieter everyday!!!
  21. thats great to know, I want to have my K2 adjusting slightly. Although mine doesn't stick out further than the other side its sat a little lower and on the left as you are looking at the rear. Was it an expensive fix?
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