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Everything posted by BladesGrant

  1. A re-map or a throttle controller will sort the problem out. The car can take upto 400bhp on standard internals so no need to worry about that when just opening up the throttle. I have had a re-map done and it makes a hell of a difference to the drive. Not sure of the reason behind the restriction, maybe Nissan think we all can't drive!!
  2. to the club. You will be all the way home and the VX will be but a memory.
  3. He's Scottish pal, lets keep things separate eh? he's still part of great Britain if you like it or not until i see complete devolution and full Scottish independence then your British through and through. In a typical English fashion he is British while doing well and Scottish when he loses!! To be honest I wish Scotland would have been in the world cup rather than England. As a massive football fan and player it pains me to say it but thank god they are out now, should be ashamed and think about how much they earn!!
  4. BladesGrant

    A Days Cleaning

    Looking very Ian, and good pictures without different coloured bumpers!!
  5. I cleaned the Zed during a recovery period!! Right must be off for a mo..........
  6. Cheers dude, long time no see. How is it having the car back?
  7. Stop it Martin, you will make me . I am maybe second and just trying to play catch up.
  8. It is a shocking match in that picture, of to photography school I go!!! Cheers Attack, some more blue action coming soon.
  9. I didn't even notice how bad that looked!! It's a combination of bad camera and light. It is a match I promise.
  10. This is probably the best idea, doesn't Bennet live that way?
  11. Clean the Zed of course!! Just thought I would share some of my hard (hot!!) work from today. I used the following: Dodo juice born to be mild shampoo Dodo juice lime prime Dod juice light fantastic I love these products, hopefully you will like the pictures. Also thought I would show some more pictures of my plenum and throttle body and my newly fitted oil catch can. Grant
  12. Looks similar to the on I saw last Sunday and it looks really imo
  13. Are you just looking for an OEM one Ian or Carbon?
  14. Massive +1 but I don't think they could offer much more discount than what they appear to be already. Miles cheaper than everywhere else I have checked.
  15. BladesGrant


    As everyone has said lots of options out there. Also put an introduction post up so we can all say hello.
  16. looks like you got a good one and the wheels are Hope you enjoy!!
  17. I don't need them until the end of the summer so thats ok for me. Hope you get them soon!
  18. You took your time to find us!!! If you're anywhere Surrey then you should go to Abbey without a shadow of a doubt.
  19. I am ordering 2 285/30 20" and I think its coming in at £345 delivered. I think thats pretty decent for those sizes.
  20. Good work, I am just about to order some of the very same tyres from them.
  21. My JDM does that with the seat belts, again thought this was standard!!
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