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Everything posted by BladesGrant

  1. A bit off topic - although have you seen the Midlands meet thread? No which one? is that the Sept meet? Thats ages away!!
  2. If you don't get a reply to your PM let me know and I will give him a kick!!!
  3. I picked up my 53 plate roadster (JDM) with very low mileage (about 12k) last year for £10,250. Its never missed a beat apart from needing a new battery as the JDM battery is generally terrible. Apart from that I haven't had to do anything to the car. I don't think its that under priced to be honest.
  4. Could you get the front bumper any closer to the road?!? Looking so mate.
  5. to the forum. I am from Yorkshire so nobody understands me anyway!!!!
  6. I have also used Emirates loads for my flights to India, they are definitely one of my favorite airlines, but nobody touches Jet imo. I flew business class with them and seriously I couldn't see how it could have gotten any better with free massages and lapdances!!!
  7. have you tried skyscanner? Its a flight comparison site so saves you some of the work and then you can start to look individually. Might be a good starting point.
  8. Happy birthday Chris, hope you have a great day.
  9. Easy access to them from behind the wheel arch liners. have some pins that you can just push and they should come off.
  10. Can't wait to meet the +1 Grant Don't get too excited, its a bloke but my break up hasn't affected me enough to try that side.....................yet!!! you not grown boobies yet grant well you should already have some being a blades fan Not yet, they are my next mod!! And ouch lady , thats a little harsh!! I was born in Sheffield and my surname is Blades, I had no choice!!
  11. Can't wait to meet the +1 Grant Don't get too excited, its a bloke but my break up hasn't affected me enough to try that side.....................yet!!!
  12. Looking very good John. Sure the revised ones will be excellant as well!
  13. Oh yeah can't argue with that at all. Very impressive, especially the boot install for a roadster!!
  14. Can't knock the effort but I am not a fan of the front bumper or wings how they wider just before the doors!!. Like I say though 10/10 for the effort!!
  15. Only if you go into a 370 related topic, the car changes to a 370.
  16. Couldn't remember the number of hangers, at least its solved now though. I know how annoying mine was and its such a relief to be able to pull off without it sounding like a clapped out banger!!!!
  17. to the forum. you won't go wrong with a Zed especially if you are near Abbey. You will just constantly be skint!!
  18. Dont suppose you have any pics of this matey? Do you mean the hanger on centre pipe or backbox? Additionally... Do all of your scorpion exhausts sit right? My left pipe is in more than the right one - no matter what I do I cannot get it perfect. I don't have any picks but the sleeve is on the hangar. Its very difficult to get any exhaust perfect I think (even the standard) as there is only the 1 hangar on the right (as you look at the rear of the car). Pretty sure thats the reason anyway.
  19. You talking about the heat or the sarcasm?!?!
  20. I can't disagree with that statement.... That's only because yours is currently filthy Ian!! I bought the first one I saw and drove, it was brilliant and I still love it. In fact I love it even more now than when I bought it!!
  21. I have usually soiled the bed if I am up that early!!! I will meet you guys at Cadwell I think at 8am, I have a couple of numbers for people (Shire, Chesterfield etc) so can give you call to meet up with you. I have also just ordered a +1 ticket last night. It was a last minute decision in case that makes a difference.
  22. Can I just check something? I am wanting to enter my recently colour matched engine bay items. The entry is the fact they are matched rather than the individual items themselves. Does this count as 1 modification or would it be classed as multiple modifications and I need to pick one?
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