Not really that interesting but just seen the new McDs Xmas advert and it has a Blade Zed in the drive through with some cheesey singing!! Tried to find it on YouTube but can't find it yet. Keep an eye out.
Some people go for 20mm all round, some 25mm rear and 20mm front. Depends on preference really and how aggressive you want to go. The traders on here will sort you out with which ever you decide to go for.
Pretty sure someone on here is selling one of these at the minute, said it was a good fit and the trader was ok. Not sure if its the same trader on Ebay but sure its the same spoiler.
Sorry for the delay Martin, not been on for a while and missed this. Here are some pictures of my roadster:
This is the Veilside V3 kit
20" alloys
Lots of engine bay bling with custom painted plenum and throttle body to match the K&N typhoon pipe. Only thing I have got a recent picture with my colour coded bottles that I have on now.
Have you tried using the forum search with 'remap' rather than the web?
Only 2 places in the UK can currently tune the Zed using the standard ECU. Also try 'UpRev' in the search for all the info you will need. The 2 places are Abbey Motorsport and RSTuning, the only problem for you are that they both a fair old drive away but a good excuse for a road trip. Without any mods you will be lucky to see an increase of 20bhp but you will have a much better car to drive.
Sounds pretty common to me. Mine stuck a little last year when it got cold. Its very sensitive to any kind of stress and will stop moving. I have never had any problem getting it closed but sometimes putting it down. After 2/3 attempts it usually goes down. I would reccommend putting the heaters on for a while to warm the fabric and then give it a try.
I don't know if there is a minimum temperature for operating though.
Ar bless ya young'un. I have had a qoute for just over £800 which any real searching. Was very surprised myself, but like you say.........can't afford the actual metal yet!!!
You are welcome, Canards may need a seperate poll. Not a fan myself but I like them on the red Zed, just think they would look out of place on the GM Zed pictured. Depends on what the final look of the car is going to be.