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Everything posted by nikbiomed
Sorry guys I should of said I am a dab hand and fitting body kits and spraying up, not a pro, but a good hobbyist (spelling??), made all my Supras so nice they sold in days. So as long as the kit is not too expensive, then fitting it and spraying will cost me a pittance in comparison. I would prefer to loose a few hundred and a bit of hard work then the 2-3K down on the asking price of my car.
This morning travelling from chelt/glos, dont see too many sunsets. You may have spotted me in me Sunset Roadster travelling in the opposite direction.
I am toying on the idea of selling my front brake setup on the Zed which is a 8pot 356mm Ksport kit which has probably only done around 500miles so relatively new. This is because I am having trouble selling the car so I am thinking of a PX against a new company car instead. They aint gonna care if it has Ksport or normal brakes on it so if I go this route I was wondering if anyone on ere would be interested in them and if so how much they might fetch. Let me know as it just might be worth it to me and the lucky buyer.
I am toying on the idea of selling my front brake setup on the Zed which is a 8pot 356mm Ksport kit which has probably only done around 500miles so relatively new. This is because I am having trouble selling the car so I am thinking of a PX against a new company car instead. They aint gonna care if it has Ksport or normal brakes on it so if I go this route I was wondering if anyone on ere would be interested and if so how much they might fetch. This might be the wrong place to post this as they are not actually for sale yet but the exposure would be best ere.
I cannot seem to sell me motor so I am thinking of tarting it up a bit. Can anyone advice a good supplier of bodykits. Looking to buy something like a Nismo. Please bear in mind I am new to the 350Z so am not too sure what makes there are.
Hi Can anyone answer what is probably a simple question, before I spend good money on this. I have a JDM car so the Digital speed/fuel/rev light adj guage is showing all information in Kilometers (even though the speed part is calibrated in MPH). I was wondering if I can update to a UK guage which will show everything in Miles instead, ie MPH instead of KMH, and MPG instead of KM per litre, etc etc. I have been following another thread on ere where some guys changed theirs over and all they got was dashes so thought best to find out what the score is on this one first. Someone is prepared to sell me the upgraded guages knowing that I have a JDM car so presume if he is a pukka member he should know if they work or not. Info would be greatly appreciated.
Me and GT4Zed did an interior swap on Tuesday night and our pods didnt work in the other cars. It just came up with 3 lines. Thats interesting I was gonna buy a UK dial setup on ere so I could have the MPH instead, but it seems then that this will not work!!!! Must say that that pod does quite a lot, ie Fuel used, rev shift light adj etc etc and the fuel usage one is in km/l which must be transmitted via a computer somewhere. That being the case I cannot see how the UK ones will actually work in a JDM car. Can anyone clarify before I spend £150 on the UK pods?
Tried to race ya in my 1.8VVTI Zafira (WOW) but could not keep the pace. You were not even trying by the looks/sounds of it. Ahhh for a better company car. R u a member thats the question?
Bump this one as I only need the fronts and ZMANALEX cannot split his front/rear setup. If I cannot get just the fronts then I will go with ZMANALEX offer but trying to save some cash if I can. So can anyone offer me just the front setup please?
Yep mine is a JDM Roadster and I am finding it hard to sell it at the mo, even though its stupid cheep now. Offers I have been getting are around 1K off what I want and thought that most people enquiring are not that interested in the modded brakes so I will remove them, drop the price and then put them on my next Supra. Make sense!!!!!! not sure it does to me but heh ho...
Yep this might sound like a stupid request, as I want to downgrade from my 8pot Ksport setup for the cheepo japanese standard setup. Reason = I want to sell the car but no one is willing to pay the price I am asking so am prepared to drop the price but want take off the K sport setup for my next car. So has anyone got a set of these please? I don't particularly want anything special, or to pay too much (then does'nt anyone these days), just a used/second hand set that are in good nick. I need calipers with pads, discs, possibly brakelines too. Let me know what you have by PM please as I do not get on this forum very often and PM's at least get to my AOL Email account.
What about the one tripple guage/dial that reads speed too. Mine reads in KMH so yours must read MPH, surely this needs changing aswell. I am very new to the 350Z though so could be wrong. I was after changing mine until I decided to sell the car instead.
You commdiens. I live in Kidderminster but was brought up in Worcester, and I have never hear of a Cheese call Blue Worcester. Enlighten me, you all. I might be inclined to try it, if it exists
I have asked the guy to send me some pics but he has'nt as yet, so am already getting suspicious. I did a bit of research too and found that it was not Steves car neither. I guess I will just have to go along with mine and take a look. Will get some pics and put on ere just in case you guys know of it, before I do any deal. Sound promissing though as I need a few £K for my next project car and this would release it aswell as keeping a Zed, winner all round really.
mmm not too sure I think it was a 2004 or around that year, defo a UK one though. It did not have SAT Nav but leather interior, was about all I could get out of him at the time. Been looking on the Sales Ads here and there is a Sunset just sold with high mileage which could be it but the guy seems like he is up for keeping it. My potential PX er is up for ditching it. mmmmm
Hi Does anyone know of a recent sale of a 350z to a guy in the Wolverhampton area. Its supposed to be a High Mileage Sunset and he said he bought if for 8K5 which sounds a bit cheap even for a High Miler. Reason for asking is that this guy has been in contact with me over the past month or so trying to PX his cars against the roadster I have for sale. First it was a Peugeot 309 Cabriolet, I think, but now it seems he has bought a 350z and he is trying to PX this now. I said to him he should have bought mine in the first place but maybe the other guy took his Pug in PX. So I am trying to find out about this 350z before I go out and talk buisness. Any info would be helpfull, even if it points me in the direction of the seller.
It may have just been picked up for repair or may have just been purchased by someone, but a sorryfull looking Silver Zed was being transported on the back of a Low Loader through Kidderminster around 16:00 today. Anyone? It looked like it had damage to the drivers side, not a lot though
Spotted today Warndon/Blackpole area of Worcester.
Any car will sell in any climate, if priced right This is nearly true, but at what cost 10K for a 58 plate!!!!! My roadster is one of the cheapest in the UK with some good modifications but it still has not sold, so am reluctant to believe that even keenly priced cars are selling. You really do have to knock it down to stupid money, then what are you achieving. Unless you can knock your next cars value down 20% or more, but thats a bit of a risk.
All imports brought in to this country and registered after 1st april 2006 will pay the higher rate of tax, regardless of the age of the car, even if its a '52' plate Not quite right - mine is also registered PLG and so doesn't go on emmissions even though it was imported in 2007.......... mines about £205 a year. There's a few imports on here with cheap tax. This seems so unfair. You would think their was just cause to complain and get all JDM cars that are infact older than the cut off in 2006 on the lower tax bracket.
Thanx guys, seen a thread on the general board too and yep it seems that my car has missed it by about 6mths as it was Imported around Sept 06, bummer. Do you think their will be another change in the not so distant future???
Just noticed this thread cos I am having the same trouble. I started the For Sale program for mine around 6wks ago and although I have has loads of Low offers and stupid PX's (as I have advertised the PX option) nothing comes really that close to being realistic. Have you had the same? I must say though I have only advertised on PH and Ebay of all places. Might try Autotrader as this seems to be a popular option on ere. I cannot advertis on this forum yet as I have not submitted enough Posts Boo Hoo. Good luck though bud, hope you get your sale soon.
Black UK parked on the retail park in Blackpole Worcester early afternoon Saturday
Hi Can anyone shed any light on the tax brackets of the 350z. I have seen some people advertise their cars with a annual tax substatially less than mine. Mine is the Full £400plus notes a year but saw someone selling a car who states his was older and therefore less, I think around the £200 mark. Mine is a Jspec 2003/2004 circa % 53plate. Any input would be appreciated.