I've been lurking for a few weeks and after test driving my first 350 at the weekend feel justified in finally saying hi!
I've decided to trade up from my 1.4 T reg Golf (burnt orange!) to something meaty before I'm 30 (6 months!) and after lusting over 350's for years I thought I'd check the second hand prices, to my amazement they were in budget. Anyway long story short I went to my local Nissan garage, commented that my biggest concern was whether one would fit in my garage, the salesman threw me the keys to a 57 plate coupe telling me to go and check it out and make sure the 25 miles left of petrol was enough to get me back again. I had to take it easy as my wife was with me but holy crap it was amazing even not breaking 50. Within 5 minutes I'd decided I needed one. The noise was incredible. Sadly my wife found the seat pretty uncomfortable, I tried to point out it's not the car's fault she's short, didn't go down well.
Oh and it fit in the garage!
Anyway I'm now going to go back to lurking pretty much daily and checking everywhere I possibly can for a UK '05 GT.