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Chris Ellis

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  1. Nothing aperently! When the technition took it out initially he could not fault the car, and was actually quite complimentary about its condition generally. I took him out and demonstrated the noise which he could clearly hear, he felt it could be any component in the transmission with a little bit of play in it, just suggested I drive a bit more gently and go back if it deteriorates. So happy no imediate spend required but I am pretty convinced that if I drove another car it would not make the same noise.
  2. I will let you know Tue afternoon, hopefully a cheap one to fix!!
  3. Hi Thanks for your thoughts. I am pretty sure it is not normal, I don't think most drivers could put up with it The gearbox is pretty clunky but feels solid for it, and I do somtimes get a clicking from the back but this is somthing quite different. The exhaust seemed like a good possible but having been out and given it a shake it seems rock solid and silent. So I have booked it in at the dealer next Tue for their man to have a listen. Thanks again Chris
  4. Hi Just started driving a 2004 uk Z and am having difficulty changing gear without getting a clonking from the rear end when I come off the power and depress the clutch? Worst in first gear and with more revs, I have to come gently and completely off the juice before starting to depress the clutch. In the other gears its ok so long as i am smooth. It sound like a problem I had with an old TVR where the rear diff was mounted on (shot) rubber mounts allowing it to swing against the chassis, but surely Nissans are better screwed together than a Blackpool pig! Any other suggestions Chris
  5. Thanks for the replies guys, I have spoken to RS Tuning and the price seems ok at £500 for a bespoke map. It just means I need to get any other bolt on bits done first before I make the treck trom the south east to Leeds In case any one else is lookig it appears two trips may be needed for UK cars as they have to download data from the car and send it to the US originator for somthing??? then you go back and get the remap. This is not needed for imports for some reason. Chris
  6. Thanks for the replies guys, I have spoken to RS Tuning and the price seems ok at £500 for a bespoke map. It just means I need to get any other bolt on bits done first before I make the treck trom the south east to Leeds In case any one else is lookig it appears two trips may be needed for UK cars as they have to download data from the car and send it to the US originator for somthing??? then you go back and get the remap. This is not needed for imports for some reason. Chris
  7. Hi I was hopeing to get a bit more go from my Zed with a basic stage 1 tune up. I expected this to be an induction kit, a freer flowing exhaust and a remap but am struggling to find a compay offering it. Some bits I have read suggest the ECU is not reprogramable, so am I searching for somethig that does not exist. Any advice welcome Chris
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