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Everything posted by 123matthewman

  1. GM would be my second choice. After a few less miles really though
  2. Cheers for the link. A bit far though for a viewing. Not sure of the costs of registering in the uk also
  3. Looking for a 350Z with the following spec Essential 313 model GT pack Black Low mileage (<40k preferred) HPI clear FSH No modifications Preferable Black seats Sat Nav GT4 wheels No wheel scuffs or chipped paintwork Close to Leeds Please get in touch if you're selling Cheers Pete
  4. cheers guys for the help, ive bought some from CS
  5. anyone know the best place to buy a new set of brake pads? looking for a fairly cost effective solution cheers Pete
  6. yeh im going to try and weld mine after replacing it. il stick it in for sale section if it welds ok
  7. hi, thanks for everyones offer, ive bought one from mr lizard now cheers Pete
  8. admiral, it was the cheapest i could find by a long way, 1200 only got 1 years no claims
  9. hi as a few people are responding, anyone who has the centre and back section for sale could they email me photos of condition and let me know how much they are wanting for them? cheers Pete
  10. hi scott, that would be great, its mainly the back box that i am looking for as that is where it has broken at the flange joint. kinda sucks for a 55 plate seeing as i dont recall banging it or owt, its just corroded through! would probably upgrade the exhaust if i could afford the insurance! its a nightmare as it is being under 25 how much are you after for it? and where are you located?, im in leeds
  11. looking for an oem exhaust in good condition if anyome has recently upgraded to a new exhaust then i would be willing to buy the system from them
  12. thanks for the advice guys, really appreciate it i was looking at getting this one: http://www.corbymotorsport.com/nissan-3 ... -1634.html i spoke to my insurance and apparently its gonna cost an extra 80 quid to have a different exhaust, but even the guy at kwikfit said he coudlnt get an exact model of the one on the car, so surely this would the the same case wouldnt it? are the insurance people just being robbing b******s? maybe should just not tell them
  13. Hi, My standard exhaust has just broken at the connection between the back box and the central tube, (excuse the basic knowledge of car parts), the guy at the garage said it would be about 400 for parts and labour to replace these 2 parts. i have found this kit on ebay and wondered if anyone knew if it was any good, or how easy to fit etc it is, and is this all i need to buy? basically some good advice would be very much appreciated. here is the item: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISSAN-Z33-350Z-2 ... 911.c0.m14 it says it increases the power how does that affect insurance, im only 23 and a bit strapped for cash so dunno if this is a good route to take. is this some crappy part that will fall to bits? or is it worth purchasing and fitting rather than getting the garage to do it for 400? cheers
  14. i was thinking of custom making a fascia to replace the sat nav casing, so it fits flush with the dashboard integrating with a denison ice ipod car kit. i have taken the dash apart and it looks pretty easy to mount a shaped piece of wood onto it and then mould it into shape, then finish with some kind of vinyl similar to the dashboard finishing. does anyone know if there is anything like this on the market so i could buy it instead?
  15. yeh think ive settled on this one, (link at the top) hopefully gonna buy it at the end of the month after pay day. gonna be annoying trekking all the way down south and then not buying it, so just hope its up to scratch! apparently its had a new improved clutch fitted so think this wud be the main issue on the high milage. do u think there is anything in particular i need to look for when buying it? ive only ever bought one car before and it was brand new so im not very experienced with buying 2nd hand
  16. where did u get i was from loughborough? I live in leeds, just sold my car today for a cool 7500 so im well chuffed, was only expecting 7k so hopefully shud have the beastie 350z soon, insurance is a bummer tho as im under 25, admiral was the cheapest i could find for about 1600, has anyone found a better place for insurance?
  17. Still trying to sell my car the moment anyway, so am going to wait till ive got the cash together before looking too much into it. Think gonna have to drop the price quite abit, although got 6500 part ex so may just go for that
  18. hi was wondering if anyone had any advice about this car i have been looking at: http://search.autotrader.co.uk/es-uk/ww ... gLetter=54 it is exactly the specive been looking for, but i am a bit concerned about the high milage, although it says it can come with an extended 2 year warrent, not sure if this involves an extra cost, does any1 think its worth forking an extra couple of thousand for a lower milage one?
  19. can u recommend any places to look?, have tried looking for private ones aswel on autotrader etc but cant seem to find much out there. its the bose stereo and the sat nav that im after, do they come on the st pack?
  20. oh and would really prefer a manual rather than an automatic
  21. well the place i have been looking at is: http://www.westmoorsmotorcompany.co.uk/12295/index.htm they seem to have a large stock at not too bad prices, they got a few listed from 9k to 9.5k may be able to haggle a bit aswel. Cant really go much higher than 9 as Im going back to uni in sept so only have like 3 more months left at work. If you wouldnt mind taking a look that would be very helpful. see what you think would be the one to go for. I really would prefer a GT pack version but wouldnt mind going for a normal model if it were a better buy. cheers
  22. well ive found a 2002 with 16000 miles or a 2003 with 60000 miles, for about the same price, do u think the 2003 wud be the better one to go for then?
  23. Hello Im looking at buying a 350z, and have arround 9000 to spend. i heard that some of the older models have clutch problems. Anyway I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. Ive seen a few 2002/2003 models with the GT pack for arround 9000. Are these the models with the dodgy clutches? Im wondering if it might be worth saving up another couple of thousand and going for a newer model or are the 02/03 models ok. I dont want it to be braking down all the time. Has anyone got an older model? Does it run ok etc. or have any problems I should be aware of. Or anything I should especially look out for when buying. Help will be much appreciated Regards Pete
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