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Everything posted by Vik54

  1. Welcome to the forum - stay away from Graham he has extremely contagious Zeditis
  2. Irfan! I think you couldn't be further off the mark
  3. My Hotel Chocolat order arrived nom nom nom
  4. Shitey Link have my Hotel Chocolat order... I just said to Will on FB - they should know better than to mess with a girl's Champagne truffles I mean SERIOUSLY god help them if they're not here tomorrow
  5. So you've been out for the night with the girls Vik and Gary is picking you up, on his arrival he see's you been verbally abused by a drunk at the place you have arranged to be picked up from. The pisshead is threatning and abusive towards you and he wont let it drop. There is no one else around to assist or cant be bothered to help (normally the case). What happens next............ Exactly +1 You haven't been out in Dundee before have you Dave? I'm a bit past getting situations like that but if if it did happen Gary would be too busy laughing at the verbal pasting said drunk would be getting from myself and 'the girls' - any 'girls' I would be out with are all trained in physical restraint and dealing with eejits ( remember we're all either youth workers or residential/secure care workers) so none of us would want to risk our careers on getting a criminal record.
  6. Nice outlook on life you have there Jimmy You'll go far in life
  7. I seeee.... so someone gives you a mouthful you have a right to inflict pain or physically damage them?
  8. Police officer would not have removed him in that fashion - they are professionals trained to restrain safely. Point I was trying to make above and in previous thread is that that man had absolutely no right to lay hands on that young person. Dave why not look at it like this - the conductor held up the train by not dealing effectively with the situation from the outset? If an adult male in a suit had sat there and explained he had been given two identical single journey tickets the conductor would not have stood over him simply shouting " Off! Off!" - he would have calmly escorted him onto the platform and handed him over to someone who could deal with the train company's mistake.
  9. Good! I hope he is punished appropriately for assaulting and causing physical harm to another person. This is the problem with 'have a go hero's' - they are not trained to deal properly with challenging situations and are unlikely to know how to safely restrain someone - we have to be realistic here - any intervention should be proportional to the alledged crime being commited - or are we actually advocating batteirng anyone who we don't agree with or answers us back?! The young person was not armed nor was he physically threatening yet he was physically thrown to the ground twice. As I said in the previous thread - yes he was a cheeky wee sod and his language was fowl but did the conductor stop to listen to him? No he stood over him and shouted at him - how the f*ck else was he supposed to react? How would you have reacted? The young person - who BTW is an engineering student at Herriot Watt not your stereotypical 'Hoodie' - has also been charged with some obscure part of the CJ Act - I doubt the PF will prosecute once they have the evidence of two single journey tickets being purchased checked out - the 'Big man' (6ft + and approx 18 stone against oooh I'd say about 5"8 and 9 stone) however will be up in front of court and he not the young person will cost the taxpayer at least £75k.
  10. Vik54

    370Z Carbon Goodness

    Yup ...now what was the conversation we had last weekend Jay? " I swear all I'm gonna do is a zorst, intake, _____ & ______ absolutely nowt else" Aye that'll be right
  11. "Happy Birthday Kenny" (Mr 'DawnC' to those of you that haven't put two and two together before) Have a good one sweetie - I shall have a large JD for you tonight
  12. Would be like trying to catch a cricket ball in your mouth This is why they're best kept in the fridge
  13. that would be more likely ... unless it was 20 Terry's chocolate oranges
  14. Yeah Laura told me she handed it right back
  15. If any man told me he would knock me out if I was a bloke I would be saying "BRRRING IT"
  16. Jaysus Ladz!!! Ioneabee I want to be a fly on your wall when your other half opens that present!!! I hope its just some in joke that the pair of you have and not for serious Home-made cheque book - each one has a 'treat' on it and she can cash one in at a time - ranging from a massage - to you doing the housework for a week - to a meal out - to a new pair of shoes.... or of course you can just make it entirely 'bedroom' based I think I gave this advice last year too - did anyone try it?
  17. Mods - can someone sticky this and move it into 'Trackdays' please?
  18. Well done for highlighting such a worthy cause Jay
  19. They probably weren't expecting as many as they will get - I wouldn't ever get a national Group-on again after the Chilli Technology action camera - ordered 29th September - finally received it last week after several emails to both Group-on and to Chilli. Sh*te communications from both - simply down to sheer volume of orders and the relatively small comapny not being ready for it. Group-on are currently being investigated because of they way they've been administering the national deals - allowing far more than the companies sign up for and then they can't meet demand and end up getting flamed by angry customers - buyer beware.
  20. I just watched Ian's Somehow I don't think I can pass for 21 anymore
  21. ooooh he's got me on naughty watch and I'm only "20 something" ... I like that
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