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Everything posted by Vik54

  1. First sensible response on this thread. Annie you obviously had a disturbing experience there, however I am firmly in the camp of needing to walk a mile in about he other person's shoes. It is very unfortunate he was out with an adult who obviously wasn't in control of him or aware of his triggers.
  2. Its just the shock of realising quite how fast it happens once it does Until you've had an accident you don't appreciate how quickly it happens .... one minute its "Lalalalalal" and then "BAM!!!!!" Just not nice
  3. agree! ....taking pictures while driving is just redicilous and stupid. Isn't it, Ian? It was stationary and too amazing not to snap. Rather than being an idiot taking pics of a crash. Lovely sunrise
  4. Irfan! Glad you and the others are ok x
  5. You eat that steak you won't poop for a week! Just make sure its bloody
  6. Really can't say anything about taking photos from behind the wheel - I know I did it once to show the temperature up here in the winter of 2010 - but if they were stupid enough to get their phones out whilst driving past police they are too thick to be on the road!
  7. Vik54

    Petrol !!!

    Lovely to see you posting - but really? !!! This is covered at least once a month
  8. They can not expect folk to believe that number plate wasn't on purpose!
  9. No Viki, keep NOT voting Labour, they are the despots that continually deny further powers for devolved government so as to keep their Westminster paymasters in power. Ahhhh but wait Geo - I know they are now pretty far from their roots BUT I think we will find out over the next couple of days there's a bloody good reason why Labour are stalling at the moment... I think that they'll just be making sure that nothing too nasty slips in the door along with the changes ... lets face it we know nowt about the nitty gritty yet. Bottom line is that in terms of a National election we have to start voting strategically unless we want to end up with potentially the most damaging govt since the 80s.
  10. Oh no - got sent a cracker last night - nowt 'wee' or 'hooded' about what's on it - can't figure out how to lift it from there to here though - will send it to you on FB - tell you what if ever there was a case for eugenics this is it
  11. Nobody bottled it - look at the turnout. We will have bottled it if everyone who turned out simply crawls back into their holes and doesn't continue the momentum to ensure that the promised changes happen - the referendum has done the entire UK a service - there has to be change all round now. Just think two years ago they predicted a 75% no vote. The actual result has rocked the establishment to its roots.
  12. Utterly shameful - I switched all media off last night - couldn't bear to watch it unfold. Whats done is done - we have to move on and ensure that we're part of the decision making during future constitutional change. The turnout shows the power of grassroots campaigning and that folk will get off their behinds and vote when its something important. If jo public realised that every election was as important then we may not have got to this stage - voter apathy is the only reason we ended up with the govt we have at present. We also have to hope that Labour have the sense to get rid of Milliband and that up here the SNP have the sense to encourage voters to give their vote to Labour in the next general election to ensure that we don't end up with a UKIP / Tory govt.
  13. . Yup think it is going to be extremely close either way
  14. Perfect example of BBC being 'outrageously' unionist. They reported on the national bulletin that Salmond failed to answer a question from Nick Robinson earlier - however his seven minute detailed response is doing the rounds on youtube
  15. Yup - its on the BBC - it will be so impartial - the young folk in Scotland have been thoroughly educated on the subject - and you'll find that the majority are actually a NO.
  16. Who says possible job losses?! Go do your homework and stop accepting the Torygraph twist on all reporting! http://www.businessf...land-votes-yes/ As neil has already said - it is simply a position that they will want to move their licence so that they're covered by LOLR This is project Fear at its height - which is excatly hat we expected
  17. It has been shamefull TBH - various reports of cars and property getting damaged... most farmers seem to be a NO - but there's been a few round us that haven't just had their 'NO' signs removed or de-faced but fields and property vandalised. Just disgusting
  18. Its all a risk ... but my motto has always been 'I'd rather regret something I have done than something I haven't' Obviously the Euro would not be a preference Also I haven't exactly stuck to anything have I ? - nine months ago I was a 'no' - but then I brushed off my research 'skills' - and matured my logic in that a vote for independence is NOT a nationalist vote, neither is it a vote for Salmond or SNP policies. ( I think George just said something similar ^ above ^)
  19. you do realise that leaving the UK would leave England Wales and Northern Ireland not just England as it own country so that doesnt quite work. as the rest would remain under the united kingdom name The union would be dissolved - the original union was of England and Scotland (1707) into the United Kingdoms of Great Britain - Ireland was added later (1800) - so the 'GB' part of the Union will no longer exist - therefore there will have to be a new Act of union to acknowledge the exit of Scotland. Hence all countries of the United Kingdom (under whatever grouping or individually) will require to access the EU via Article 48. So I assume that wether any of us rejoin the EU will be subject to voting. Dan - I don't get into any discussion 'for the sake of argument' - TBH - I couldn't give a toss about the currency or oil discussions. What I'm interested in is the potential for change that is not directed by Westminster - the bottom line is that the ruling government of GB is always voted in by middle England and London where the vast majority of the population live, therefore they can not be representative of those in the North. (and I'm under no illusions that politicians north of the border are any less bent - remember I work in the public sector which has been feckin slaughtered by SNP administrations ) Other than the ridiculous figures that were quoted at the begining of the thread by DBlock I don't think you've seen Geo, Gary or myself banging on about oil revenues - nobody in their right mind believes they are the answer to everything ... as I said in an earlier post our potential GDP (just like any other developed country) will be made up of many different sectors and industries.
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