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Everything posted by Vik54

  1. Your last part back down the A9 will be pretty boring - I'd come down via the Cairngorms if I had the time - unless of course you're stopping off to see zmanalex to get some goodies As Gary has already said if you can somehow fit in the A86 it is a good run but looking at your current route unless you reverse it it isn't really do-able. As you have found out already plenty of the petrol stations do have super - it is really no biggie Have you looked at the Hoon threads?
  2. You're right to query it DOcwra...Essentially where a company registered with the CQC has formed a subsidiary company to provide care services that subsiduary company is registered under the parent company and therefore they are exempt from the laws about VAT and care homes. It is immoral to do this but apparently not illegal. I will happily forward all the correspondance that has passed between my mother and HMRC if you care to wade your way through it
  3. Folks - I need your help please. We require 100,000 signatures on a petition for a subject to be raised in parliament. My family has exhausted all routes of enquiry with HMRC and local MP and this seems to be our last resort. This is not a petition against elderly folk paying for their own residential care once it becomes necessary. The petition highlights the need to address a PFI health provision loophole that means that some elderly people with dementia end up paying VAT on their care. Most care homes charge fees that are exempt from VAT - as per European and UK law. The law states that "the provision of care, treatment or instruction to promote the physical or mental welfare of elderly, sick, distressed or disabled persons..." should be VAT exempt. In addition, "all care and treatment services provided within a regulated residential care home.." should be VAT exempt. However, in a few cases, because of a business loophole, elderly residents, many of whom are suffering from dementia, are being charged VAT. For some, who still have assets above the threshold of £23250 (having been forced to sell their homes) this loophole means that, not only are they being charged income tax on their small pensions, but they are also being charged VAT on the residential care services they are purchasing. My gran pays over £120 a week in VAT alone. HMRC and Government officials and ministers say that there is no law being broken. How quick they are to shout "foul" when large companies find loopholes to avoid paying tax, and yet our Government is "unable" to stop this immoral and unfair VAT charge. The unfairness is exacerbated by the fact that when placed in care by Local Authority as their assets are below threshold their care is not subject to VAT as the authority is exempt. Private individuals do not have this ability. Dementia is a mental illness - it is not recognized as such, and does not entitle the sufferer to continuing care funding. This VAT charge, although it only affects a small minority of dementia care residents, is immoral. It also means that elderly people will reach their asset threshold sooner, and then become completely reliant on state funding (once assets fall below £23k) surely an example of the Government shooting itself in the foot as individual assets will be depleted much more quickly? Please sign the petition and share with your friends - I guarantee you if you don't have someone in your family affected by dementia you will know someone who does. http://epetitions.di...petitions/47719
  4. and I would take such a discussion over to Mumsnet FFS!!! How many times have we had something along this thread - am sure Hugh has done it about a billionty times
  5. Couldn't agree more superstu - I do wish folks would check their facts before spouting off. Perhaps even go do some independent reading / research before regurgitating tabloid crap. @ KyleR - nobody can simply waltz into the country and claim benefits I take it seeing as I am white born and bred British and have spent the last seventeen years working on the frontline in the community ( the last four supporting young people into employment) having paid my own way through uni - taking on student debt to do so - not having had a pay rise in seven years - had my pension obliterated - it is ok with the keyboard warriors as of today to go and try to claim some benefits having been made redundant for the second time in two years? I would add that in the last four years having worked with a few hundred young people aged 16-19 who have left school and not gone into education employment or training NOT A SINGLE ONE WAS FROM A MINORITY, ETHNIC OR IMMIGRANT BACKGROUND....
  6. to the forum - happy zedding
  7. £600!!!! - shop around and mention the forum
  8. A-V-O-I-D these at all costs - I'd rather eat one of Gary's socks
  9. I hadn't seen that before either Irfan - made me cry with laughter
  10. If it were purely for track I'd save up another grand and go for Elise s1 ...
  11. as long as it goes purple - this is only colour change acceptable for an Azure!
  12. I'd go buy Saffy back before I went and got my R35
  13. to the forum You'll find everything you need in the traders section and plenty advice available. As has already been said the rear quarter is especially difficult area - just fill it and spray = rear bumper will probably take the majority of your £400 budget straight off -but if you're in no rush bound to be bargains to be had - good luck
  14. to the forum Alex - happy zedding
  15. http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/nissan/350z/nissan-350-z-v6-2004-54/1106851 slightly overpriced but looks ok
  16. - don't get too tied up with mileage - you'll find one you want just be patient
  17. Thanks for sharing guys - much jealousy here! Not sure about that chrome z though but hey each to their own If I'd known I would've made it a weekend at the parents and come along too!
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