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Everything posted by Vik54

  1. Ok my Azure fetish has gone too far - quite fancy the look of yer man on the left
  2. OMG - want a Sharpei now - he is soooo gorgeous
  3. WTF? For road cars?...........just googled it though seems to be way forward
  4. Oh - nightmare...... .hope you get it out
  5. Just catching up with the thread - F**k me I feel old Need a
  6. Yup me likey too and as a rule - I don't like spoilers Can just imagine Clarkson's rant when he sees what Aston have done with this
  7. only pulling your leg Car really does look good x
  8. Looking gorg Jay.......... well worth waiting for - you must be over the moon So ...... did you get a manual gearbox while you were at it?!
  9. These Azure's are getting awfy common on the east coast of Scotland
  10. Saw this article on virgin today - might give you some ideas get the tank! http://www.virginmedia.com/motoring/features/crazy-wedding-cars.php
  11. Get yourself down the station and report him before it gets out of hand Behave yourself when in town and wave at him next time you see him give him a and smile sweetly What a 'Bobby'
  12. Vik54


    Someone who was selling recently had done it............. Give him/her a PM and ask http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=25860&p=375744&hilit=alcantara#p375744
  13. WTF - (nearly) 1000 posts in two months!? Dude........ spam cannon I'll be happy to become a window licker
  14. Wow - that is a very useful link - ought to be put up as a sticky +1 - now I know the part number for the washer drain plugs for the tranny oil change - see am learning
  15. mate - look forward to seeing what the consensus is on how to fit that unit - its tidy
  16. How comes you guys get to be bro's and us girls are ho's?? +1
  17. This looks a fantastic journey - it has just confirmed that we don't need flights for next years' trip down to Spain- gonna drive it! Tim - would appreciate the details of a couple of the stop-overs you made - what's the book you mentioned?
  18. My S2000 aerial has been on 3 years and is fine! Ditto - touch wood Perhaps one of the mods would be kind enough to remove the earlier rant........poor bloke will take a minter when he reads back - although it did make me when I scrolled down to Rab C
  19. Nah - got rid of that years ago But would love a camper Bug - used to go to the Bug jams at Santa Pod in my younger days
  20. Yeah........like dude.............you could paint a surf mural on the back..............and a water bed inside too..........oh and a shee-shah pipe
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