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Everything posted by Vik54

  1. not a nice experience for you John...now I get what you were hinting at earlier It is totally sh*te but you'll just have to chalk it up to experience its not worth anymore of your energy or upset Glad its all sorted now though
  2. Yeah...well I was...but knocked it on the head for this month anyway Am assured these guys do a good job
  3. Welcome to the forum Suggest you get out and try both
  4. Vik54

    Matte zed?

    Aw mate you don't need to slap yourself...here... How's the Jaaaaaag?
  5. Well think I can recommend that stubby supplier on ebay....as with when I ordered Chris's - its here less than a day after ordering
  6. Vik54

    Matte zed?

    Looks nice Jay I still can't believe you'd spank £1k + on a wrap when you could get some decent brakes though
  7. Sounds good idea - but you'd find that any track wouldn't allow you on with it just propped up like that - all recording equipment - even inside the car has to be secured - not even passengers can have hand held devices
  8. Och Chris - ever the soft touch
  9. Nice pics - the lip wrap's a great idea - can that be done relativley easily -i.e. without taking the bumper off?
  10. Cor look at the rotors on that
  11. What made me laugh most was as Jules took her helmet off you turned to me and said "She looks like she's just had an orgasm" ...if I know Mr T he'll be very pleased with that result
  12. Yeah it was the start of my 'smoothing' project
  13. ROFL Actually Rich's suggestion is a lot more likely to work Speak to his Mum first to let her know what you're going to do - along the lines of "you know how you said your son is bored and cooped up...." and then get him looking under the bonnet and doing some supervised tinkering - if his Mum's happy (and he's tall enough) take him out for a spin. Above all - talk to him and get to know him On the other hand if they're one of these ASBO families who just don't give a sh*t - start recording everything that goes down and get CCTV trained on the car
  14. Shall have a go tomorrow - hopefully the new one will be here in the morning. Classical FM?!
  15. Here you go http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=400077440673&ssPageName=ADME:B:EOIBSA:GB:1123
  16. That's just it though - no rust at all the stump is still shiny! Glinting away at me giving it neh neh I've got some tiny jewellery making pliers so will try them later Just ordered another one so if their service is as good as it was when I got Chris's it'll be here tomorrow
  17. I am so fickin' not impressed....washing the car this afternoon and stubby literally came off in my hand- just snapped like a twig AND ITS LEFT THE SCREW IN AND I CAN'T GET AT IT Chris...I need a 'remove the screw' stubby guide
  18. Stew Mind you my heart was in my mouth when I read your second sentence there
  19. Like they need to be any bigger?!!
  20. If I did that he'd go blind from the shock Not getting them done this month anyway - brakes getting done though
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