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Everything posted by Vik54

  1. Good to see you enjoyed your first one
  2. Yup I used to go up to the garage and use their pressure washer but also took my two buckets and shampoo - although made sure it was at 'quiet' times otherwise you had folk asking pointedly "How long are you likelt to be?". Then I asked a neighbour over the road if I could use their outdoor tap and I was sorted - they thought I was crackers with how often I was over there washing Saffy Needless to say they got a very nice bottle of wine at Xmas time
  3. They will wriggle out of it as it is not "inside to outside" :thumbsdown:
  4. Cat owners - make sure you have no lillies in the garden - the pollen can be fatal for cats and if they're jumping around the garden very easy for them to get pollen on their coats and then lick it off when grooming.
  5. RIP - very sad - I was just looking for the thread that was posted last year about her crash
  6. to the forum. Would always buy privately unless I'd found a cracker - and use the info on here to do your homework - £10k is a healthy budget you'll get a later HR (2007-2009) zed easily for that
  7. Vik54

    Autumnal run out

    Cracking shot Andy
  8. Yeah must admit a Trackscotland in the wet would make me a bit 'tense'
  9. As above EU is basically unlimited - although if you try to come back with more than 5000 as a rule they will query if it is for personal use.
  10. That is what I am bothered about happening - Fergus is my No1 boy and I will not lose him. He is attacking her all the time now proper growling then full on attacks - it is not nice. She is a wee madam though ^^ Love that photo of Jim & Syntax!
  11. Yeah - we're having proper issues now with our two - they were OK to start with but now Fergus is totally battering her at every opportunity and seems really stressed - he's spending up to ten hours out at a time and going into the neighbours house ... basically moving out. Still feeding separately and have the Feliway plugged in. But that is almost four months now and I have a horrible feeling we're going to have to let her go to another home which I feel very guilty about as I've never given up on a cat no matter what the problems
  12. Wish I had a zed to buy this for Sure this will sell rapido like
  13. He IS a lazy wee sod - my fur - nephew - and hearing the Milltek sound again
  14. Nice one - I thought about doing the same I still have most of Saffy's detailing kit but I am a physically lazy person The thing is when folk like you, Andy and myself go it alone the system remains unchallenged and stays 'one size fits all'. Having worked alongside jobcentre plus in my last job in the Youth Employability field I was determined to make the feckers work for their money The little leftie devil on my shoulder took great pleasure in evidencing EXACTLY 15 job searches a week (obviously I was doing significantly more when one of my applications takes me up to two days to write) and pointing out to them that every job I successfully applied for was self identified - I also gained access to the internal vacancies list for the local council by doing voluntary work with one of my old teams
  15. Andy - don't even get me started on Universal Jobmatch!!! FFS Total mare - I have emailed DWP asking them why when my skills and search criteria included parameters such as Youth & Community work, Social Care, an Honours degree in Politics and Education and Postgrad in Community Education my 'job matches' include such jems as 'Chief Naval Architect' 'Lecturing fellow in Sports Science' and 'Specialist Indian Chef' = and ech week I have to spend time logging in and justifying to the eejits why I won't be applying for them
  16. Can't disagree with you there Rich - what fecks me off is more the folk who have zero understanding of how the system works yet still propelling this ideal of deserving and undeserving claimants.
  17. Interesting the very few on here that actually have any first hand experience of claiming benefits - yet feel the right to comment I've just spent the last twenty weeks in the same boat as you - claiming contributions based JSA (the only benefit I could qualify for as my partner works). Last week I actually undertook a telephone interview for an agency recruiting for Xmas call centre workers for Tesco - the role would be £6.50 an hour. I have also had to apply for retail jobs - even though both myself and my 'adviser' know fine damn well I won't even get an interview. All the while I have been churning out applications for jobs in the line of work I am qualified and experienced in - whilst justifying why I won't be applying for a part time posts over an hours' drive away. Thankfully last Friday I pulled it out the bag at my sixth professional interview since April and was offered a post albeit at two job grades below my last one but its a permanent post - which in my line of work in Local Authority is like gold dust! It is just as well as my 26 weeks of contributions JSA was about to end and after the 18th October I would not have been able to claim ANYTHING. Not a frickin sausage!
  18. PaulT up here has done it the last two years - it looks totally nuts!
  19. You forgot the tweeed flat cap and pipe
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