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Everything posted by Vik54

  1. c'mon then... and no more nekid 'Here's Big Al' pics again
  2. The Black Rose is stunning - did you get any pics?
  3. Anymore for this? I just don't want to turn up to the restaurant with significantly more than I have booked for like happened last time Is it really only Alex, Darren and myself on track?
  4. Ha'waay pet you just ignore us - we're just pulling your chain
  5. I should think so too. Well obviously you're not yet over 50 and Alex is just a law unto himself
  6. wecome to the face ache club
  7. Al!!!! you arre too young to go for a roadster - for a man it is a mid-life crisis car - only a woman can pull one off below the age of 50 Edit : Obviously ommitting Martin & Alex from that category
  8. Ah...but new car or just test drive?
  9. Mark - you made me LOL in the middle of silent office
  10. Have fun Chris - make sure mellie gets loads of Ice Cream look forward to the cutie pics on FB - she almost makes me broody
  11. Speak to Colin Dawn... all the sassenachs arrive Friday I can't get away on the Friday so save some vino for me on the Saturday
  12. Then you've totally missed the point of the presentation afraid Sad to see you're automatically coming at it from a pretty negative perspective For me this was a starting point for discussions around what innovative and engaging ways we can educate our children and young people for an unknown future. In particualr highlighting to the old school teaching profession that we need new ways of engaging young people within and outside the four walls of the classroom. Pfft ...for once I wish Richard were around
  13. There's also the demons of preparing the UK workforce for Industry and the Global economy and appropriate, effective and inclusive education for all but maybe that's too tame for the Daily Mail readers - not enough drama lies there
  14. Put it this way Will if your liver is intact and your left calf hasn't siezed up then its not a proper Hoon and will be deemed a total failure
  15. Nowt fancy FA isn't exactly a heaving metropolis ... I've booked us in at Lock Inn for 7pm - its where we went in 2009 they have an upstairs area we can go into. Colin will sort the rest of you out on the Friday and we'll return to wherever seems best on the Sunday if people are still able to stagger after the drive and lunch at Applecross
  16. Just had quick discussion with Mr Stew - am assuming all that are staying on the Saturday will want to eat - and as we don't have the chalets this year there won't be a BBQ - so am booking somewhere for dinner at 7pm. If anyone is not happy with this please let me know
  17. They'd have to be very determined, skillfully quick and armed with trolley jacks to get them off a zed
  18. Hmmm...discuss... colleague used this today to get a point accross during training - room was afterwards hard thing to do to a group of Community Workers, Teachers and Careers staff
  19. I'm sorry Jamie, I had my music on and I did give you a funny look. Il wave you to next time can just picture the look
  20. +1 - these guys are totally amazing - enormous respect
  21. Vik54

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