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Everything posted by phatbloke74

  1. A man breaks into a house to look for money and guns. Inside, he finds couple in bed. He orders the guy out of the bed and ties him to a chair. While tying the homeowner's wife to the bed the convict gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up & goes into the bathroom. While he's in there, the husband whispers over to his wife: 'Listen, this guy is an escaped convict. Look at his clothes! He's probably spent a lot of time in jail and hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck. If he wants sex, don't resist, don't complain...do what ever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is obviously very dangerous. If he gets angry, he'll kill us both. Be strong, honey. I love you!' His wife responds: 'He wasn't kissing my neck. He was whispering in my ear. He told me that he's gay, thinks you're cute, and asked if we had any Vaseline. I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you too.'
  2. Kenwood DNX-7200's are going for a good price now!! Do you have this one? If so, whats it like for controlling and charging the Ipod?
  3. Good point. I'm going to leave it for now though as I want to upgrade to a decent ICE system and I haven't decided whether I want to get the built in satnav capability. If I don't get satnav on it then I might wire it in at the same time as the install.
  4. After picking up my zed a couple of weeks ago, I decided to put my TomTom in that handy cubby hole. Unfortunately it's too big to stay in there when you've got the power cable attached. So I've got hold of some high density black foam, cut it to fit and have used it to hold the TomTom in via it's window fitting. Obviously not a permanent fixture as I don't need it all of the time and I share between both cars. Saves hving it stuck to the window - which I hate! [attachment=0]Forum photo.jpg[/attachment]
  5. I used to be a toxophilite for many years but then girls came along Then I used to play footie - 11 a-side but then kids came along and now I play golf, the odd game of 6 a-side footie (dependant on ) and enjoy a few ; but all that might be out of the window now that I've got my Can't think of anything better
  6. AH Sorry, been away for the last 5 days. Is the MOD day on the 20/21st June? If so, then it's a possibility. At least I would've been paid by then as I think I spent all my car tokens for this month: New car + Insurance Oil + filters All the tools required to change the oil 4 new tyres (Falkens) Geo check Kids need new shoes but it's the car that got the new boots
  7. Not this time. Being a chelsea fan, I've got a date with a BBQ, a few bears and a TV on the Saturday and then I've got to make it up to my family on Sunday for ignoring them all day Sarturday
  8. The best team in the competition this year? Don't make me laugh Chelsea should have been lifting that cup this year - bloody norwegian ref
  9. Yep, thats the one Cash. Still got to clear it with the family diary but should be there. You going?
  10. Just wanted to say thanks to the forum and it's members, especially jerry3167 and Chris`I. I picked up my zed last Thursday and carried out it's first oil change today Now this might not sound much but I'm really a car DIY virgin so I would never have attempted it without the guidance found on this site, and, well, to say it was easy is an understatement. Getting 4 new tyres put on on Friday and getting the Geometry checked so it should be in A1 condition in time for the meet on the 7th. Cheers all!
  11. Thanks for the tip Chris Just gone to Camskills and I can pick up Falkens for £400 inc delivery - now just got to find someone in the area that will fit them for a pizza
  12. I got a quote from Blackcircles for Falkens - fitted - for £492. I'm just trying to find out how to access the 5% discount.
  13. Hey Chris, car looks good. I picked mine up yesterday but I haven't been out of it long enough to take any photo's!! I must admit, this car if f~#@ing amazing I'll try and get some photo's over the weekend and I'll keep an eye out when I'm going through Guildford. Phil
  14. Count me in. Would rather scare myself on the airfield rather than the road!
  15. Thanks everyone for the really friendly welcome - just gutted I didn't get the zed in time for last weekend!! I must admit that this forum has been a godsend as it's the only thing that's got me through the week from buying the car to picking it up. I've gathered in so much info I feel like I'm fully prepared to and enjoy the most out of it! Bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Picking it up on Thursday - can't wait! Is the carbon affect on the bumper, under the number plate, an option? I didn't notice it on many of the cars from the pics of the meet in Wales.
  17. I ended up buying from a place near Hemel Hempstead. Like yours, it was an independant garage. The previous owner px'd it against a brand new Bentley and the Bentley dealer gave it to the place where I got it. Mine's an 04 plate, GT, Gun Metal with 15k miles. Nothing neads doing but I'll be interested in upgrading the Bose kit to a new ICE system. Currently trawling the forum to get tips. Are they servicing yours at a Nissan dealer or are they doing it themselves?
  18. Looks v.nice. Was that the Blue one with 60k on the clock at s2000? Had a look at that one myself and came to the same decision over the mileage.
  19. Hey Chris, I live over in Ash Vale, not far from you, and I'm picking up my 04 350 next week aswell - small world! The wait is doing my nut, can't wait to pick it up. Did you get your's from a dealer in the area?
  20. Thanks guys, I'm based in Ash Vale in Surrey. It's half way between Guildford and Farnborough. Can't wait until I pick it up next week. It's in need of a service - can anyone recommend somewhere in this area? Cheers
  21. Hi all, regeistered on this site this morning and bought myself a Z this afternoon! 04 plate, gun metal, GT with 15k miles, I was completely sold on the test drive. Picking it up next week - can't wait!
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