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Everything posted by Gilly199

  1. Ive been wanting to change the wee polo automatic for something different to hit about in, looking on auto trader there isn't a car any cheaper than about £600 even ones older and with higher millage. So being that i would accept £600 not a problem and thinking that i could push for more in a sale situation i tried these monkies and see what i was offered. Including that fact it has a three day old MOT ticket to boot. you ready??? £90 whats more there was a £30 charge for using them so end total was £60 you are getting £100 at a scrap yard the now I really hope they cal back to see if i accept the offer
  2. I remember Mars bars being bigger, and cream eggs, and penguin's ...... but I make up for it by eating two at a time WTF, I dont get it
  3. not even the same breed Exactly, we all the know the truth
  4. the other one i like is when someone makes a really stupid mistake. Like trying to be smart or in general is just an idiot. instead of going into nuclear meltdown as you say i prefer the patronize approach. just clap and mouth well done, give some s up and just congratulate them. Its fantastically funny. works better than
  5. Nerver a truer word spoken. I hate tailgaters
  6. Seriously though, you have no experiance driving a high performance car. Thats another issue you gonna hit. recommend you try something a bit faster first to get your feet in. Possibly i higher spec golf your rx8 as you have mentioned already.
  7. The main problem is you dont know what folk are like, some people have a shorter fuse that others. He may well have dragged that fella out the car and windmilled him. No need for the spit mind you but i can see why the fella who got out the car was (not that i condone such action, was a bit OTT) No need to be a c**k, be courteous enough and let folk in. problem solved . You dont know what the other fella may or may not be capable of.
  8. LoL ... I remember when I first started training legs .. the pain would last for a whole week ... The more you train them the less the pain will become ... I train legs every week now without fail and the pain only lasts a day or so ... A WEEK!!! Last time my legs felt like this was after i attempted to play football with folk from work. BIG BIG mistake. The ball confused me, couldn't find where the petrol goes
  9. 22 year old £535 from admiral (came through the post the other day )
  10. WHY WHY WHHHYY did i listen to you lot??? I CANT WALK and my a** hurts like hell. to make matters worse im having to use a new gym which is farther away and i took the Zed!!! Now that was an epic fail on its own. "Yes paul take the fancy car with the heavy clutch to the gym to train legs, leave the AUTOMATIC polo at home" Till tomorow then, i can already tell it aint gonna be an elegant walk into work hahah you aint gonna be able to walk straight tomorrow either i went climbing tonight and absolutely ragged my hands, feeling your pain buddy Dam you all!!! Ive been walking like pingu all day just kidding well about the dam you bit anyways
  11. WHY WHY WHHHYY did i listen to you lot??? I CANT WALK and my a** hurts like hell. to make matters worse im having to use a new gym which is farther away and i took the Zed!!! Now that was an epic fail on its own. "Yes paul take the fancy car with the heavy clutch to the gym to train legs, leave the AUTOMATIC polo at home" Till tomorow then, i can already tell it aint gonna be an elegant walk into work
  12. no i think youve got asparagus confused with a huge white dildo rich oo oo ive seen that one. its from holland i think But i reckon a threat using implement B mentioned above would help tarmac change to suzie if we like
  13. im 30 mins into the first epp. Im sooooo happy its back
  14. sorry but this is my all time fav www.lolcats.com FTW
  15. OMG i cannot believe i missed that
  16. Seen this on uk-mkivs last year. the pics of the woman/thing started on body building forum and was 62 pages long but its not there anymore
  17. oo now that could merit a debate all in its self. Spinkshank - asthmatic. Oh yea hold on for dear life folks
  18. Travis Pastrana is my father Where you think the 199 comes from???
  19. egggggggggggg??? Dam i know we pride ourselfs on fresh stuff including chicken but thats a little OTT for freshness.
  20. well thats 4 days of enjoying the pizza diet. back to healthy stuff the more, cant shake that image of the truffle shuffle
  21. its a skill you cant deny, now back up by statistics its all the girls that raise the numbers! Dunno about the girls i had a good crack at it last night Digging ice from around the nissan today with a hangover was not fun at all
  22. 2 years and not yet Did deliver to some skinny junkie tw*t who thought it appropriate to come to the door in his Y fronts and a football top
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