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Everything posted by jollyranchers

  1. Ive got all the blackfire range , although the gloss enhancing polish says its a polish its actually a chemical cleaner and glaze to mask swirls with no cut whatsoever If your paint is swirly heaven you will need to polish it with something else first , then use gloss enhancing polish , sealant then the wax The wax does make a difference These days I just machine polish and use the wax
  2. Right , Ive been back under the seat had the yellow connector apart under passenger seat cleaned the contacts pulled / pushed with screwdriver to try and make a better connection Done 2 ECU resets doing the pedal dance and its still having none of it I can easily cut out the connectors however after reading this thread got a bit worried !! http://www.350z-uk.c...ag-connections/ Where are the resistors in the plugs ? , I thought the plugs were just connecting two wires ?
  3. Had an MOT last week and the tester moved the passenger seat which resulted in the air bag light flashing Ive tried the key off on thing about 30 times and its having none of it , checked / unplugged connectors under seat and still no joy Can anyone offer anything else to try ? Normally when Ive had this before the key thing works , really dont want to have my pants pulled down at the main dealers
  4. very nice , loving the seats , who's is the bm ?
  5. I took the film off mine as it muted the gloss , it does protect the paint but the bumper didnt shine the same The film is a right pig to remove too , its pretty thick too
  6. pictures or it never happened ;)
  7. All the best with the sale! Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  8. Very nice but I think its £1000 under priced , a sure bargain for someone , reckon this is worth £ 9k
  9. funniest thing Ive read in a while :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. gt4 alloys look bigger as the spokes go right to the edge of the rims , rays as stated are lighter tho
  11. nice sound , I wish cobra would make the pipes which go from the back box to the tips in polished stainless as you can see em from behind Still a good exhaust for the money
  12. When in sports mode and you slightly press the accelerator , it tricks the ECU into thinking you have buried the throttle which improves pick up Its hard to explain but when you switch from normal mode to sports mode especially SP7 its like night and day Doesnt give you any more BHP but the Zed defo FEELS quicker with it on Well worth the money
  13. 3 pieces of advice 1) go to the gym 2) keep yourself busy keeps the minds busy and will help you to forget about yourself 3) KEEP YOURSELF BUSY Remember when your having your anxiety or panic attacks your body is at its strongest getting ready for the fight or flight Your dark time WILL pass and you will come out the other side mentally stronger
  14. nice , led OEM rear lights next , clear rear bumper indicator mod and i would lose the 350z badge now to go with your new look thanks for sharing
  15. wish the back box for the 350z looked as meaty ! , that looks a nice exhaust ! The 350z backbox looks like a tin of sardines in comparison
  16. someone got an extreme bargain ! , OP could have got another £50 for these me thinks !
  17. Bumpy, tyres still available £20 collected or £45 delivered Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  18. very nice , any more engine bay pics ? clear rear indicator mod should be your next job !
  19. pics and clips OP or it never happened ;) ;)
  20. Did autoglass know about the top strip or did you have to tell them ?
  21. very nice , how much was the beemer ?
  22. Thanks for the replies guys will get some on order
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