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Everything posted by jollyranchers

  1. Can i ask why you have chosen not to fit them ?
  2. nice to see the car is not covered in advertising graphics , i like !! what bodykit is on it ?
  3. +1 for da , i got a porter cable , meguiars g220 similar
  4. you wont have any problems in reverse, i would get the newer type best mod to date
  5. yep , im using them next month for my 2 cars , cant believe the prices quoted !!!!!
  6. yeah its much easier than using the touch up pen , much neater job although dont be thinking it will totally get rid of chips , it just improves the look. You either need a respray to get totally rid or build up the chip with paint over a few days, wet sand then polish out.
  7. you need this dude http://www.drcolorchip.com/
  8. very nice ! More pics please! What front bumper lip have you got ?
  9. I had a magnex many moons ago !, very well made. Will be interested to see what the fit and sound will be like question is who will be first to buy ..............
  10. I see Magnex are back in business , anyone got one ?! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350Z-03-08 ... 336345d18c
  11. Just wondering what other Z related forums peeps on here regularly frequent ?
  12. Top Man Pictures you asked for buddy not the best though as on my phone, don't think the bars are that visible from behind due to the exhaust Thanks very much They do look a nice piece of kit , think this will have to be a must have for the mod list.
  13. 1. charlotte-sparkles 2. purple&black 3. martinmac 4.SwanageDave 5.jollyranchers
  14. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISSAN-350Z-COBRA ... 7700426955
  15. very very nice ! how much ? oh and probably a daft question , but can you see the rear brace from looking at the back of the car at all ? i.e if someone is sat in the car behind you ? seen a couple of civics with these tie bars and i must say look ace
  16. i stumbled across my GT4 when looking for a decent Z , i wouldnt let the extra tax put you off a newer 06 version you will seriously be narrowing down your search trying to find a yellow GT4 but good luck! Mine just came up at the right time
  17. Glad you like it , you need a D1 Spec throttle controller in your life now My car feels broken without it when turned off, gives the zed more of a punchier feel
  18. LMFAO this has got to be made a sticky ?
  19. oh and a folding key like this would be great ! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Folding- ... ccessories
  20. I see your offering a very competive price on the plenum spacers. Would like to see some great prices on Mrev lower collectors for 06 models , maybe some good High flow cats without having to import ? Maybe some good prices on polished intake pipes ?
  21. 13 - 14k? i would put the stock exhaust back on , might put some people off
  22. i cant believe the cheek of this woman , imagine if you had paid the extra money , everytime she said to you say 'cheese' you would want to run over and smash her camera into little bits ! Its not like you were paying her peanuts anyway 2 grand is a lot of money. there are others out there , you did the right thing asking discount. I wouldnt want her doing it now.
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