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Everything posted by Bry

  1. Bry


    Looks nice but no leather or Rays alloys but if that's not a concern for you then go for it.
  2. I asked when I picked it up about warranty and they said there was no extension. I would have expected a year, and I would imagine if anything were to go wrong in the short term they would probably fix it as goodwill - after installing a brand new engine you couldnt really ignore it if something went wrong shortly afterward - presumably there would be some consumer right that would protect against that? To be honest I'm just so glad to have it back I am trying not to worry about that! Mileage on the old engine was circa 29k. I would have thought there would be a years warranty with all Nissan approved parts, whther it is a spark plug or a whole engine. You only get a warranty with approved parts if you buy them. If a part was replaced under the original manufacturer warranty then that part is only covered until the original warranty period is over so if your engine is replaced under warranty and you only have 2 weeks remaining on your original warranty then your new engine will only have a 2 week warranty period, stupid but true
  3. This will be 1st year attending with a 350z, count me in
  4. All sorted after reading the manual In order to turn the the rear speakers on I had to turn the system off (so no source is selected) then go into the menu, this would now let me access the rear speaker settings ,(previously it would not let me access this function as I was trying to access it with a source still selected) Now I have front and rear speakers Thanks for everyones help
  5. Ok will have another look. I did find a setting which let me turn the sub off but the rear speaker settings aren't highlighted which means I can't access them. Time to stop being a bloke and actually read the manual
  6. Still can't see how I can have 4 speakers without using Splitters as there is no rear output for me to plug the leads into? I'd be quite happy with 4 speakers and no sub
  7. Definately agree about only using the proper Nissan oil. I changed mine recently and 2nd gear is lovely and smooth even when cold
  8. Man these cars are a Pain when it comes to stereo's. I've now had to order 2x RCA splitters, 2x Line boosters and I still can't see how the sub is going to work? All seems a waste of time as all I can hear is my Buddy club exhaust anyway
  9. The weird thing is the on the back of the stereo there is no Rear L & R ports, Just SW L, SW R, FL,FR, V in V out, L in, R in. I could try the Red and white plugs in the Front L & R and the Black and Yellow plugs in the L in and R in but this would not leave any plugs left for the Sub ? Here's a pic if it helps. Thanks for your help The Black and yellow are in the SW L and SW R, the Red and white are the FL and FR.
  10. I can get either the front speakers and the sub to work or the rears and sub to work but not front,rears and sub to work together. What's confusing me is the black,white,red and yellow plugs that you plug into the back of the head unit. The pioneer has a SW L AND SW R port (I've pluged the yellow and black plugs into these.) The FL and FR (I've pluged the red and white plugs into these.) The remaining ports are V in V out and L in and L out , I tried using these ports but they did nothing (got a loud buzzing from the V in and out ports). So not sure how I can have front rear and sub speaket working together ?
  11. Looks to me as though you've bought the wrong adapter loom. You've got a non Bose loom when you should have got one to fit a Bose Loom this would have come with Phono leads (red,yellow,black and white connectors) which connect to the Bose amp phono leads which supplies the sound to the speakers.
  12. Came behind you at the A2 junction with the m25 this afternoon, then watched you disappear off into the distance Couldn't keep up in my Rav4
  13. He might just be a slacker, and off living his life and having a good time, and it doesn't occur to him, that others might be worried about him. Maybe? exactly
  14. I'm not on facebook but that doesn't mean I don't want to be found(he's not on facebook neither). There is no bad feeling between him and his family he just does his own thing and doesn't think about how worried his family are.
  15. My Cousin Joe set off for Euro Disney to get a job about 15 years ago and basically hasn't kept in touch with his family since then. After 9/11 his Mum and Dad were worried about him so asked the Salvation army if they could find out where in world he was, they eventually found him in Bulgaria. He sent a letter back to his parents saying he was slowly heading for Australia and that was the last they've heard from him. Once again they'd like to know if he is ok so does anyone know how they could find out where he may be (Salvation army had no luck this time) they don't have much money so must be a relatively simple way of doing it. I thought maybe the Home office could let his parents know where his passport was last used?
  16. Wow those pics of your dog are stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. "Stuart a life Backwards" with Tom Hardy and the bloke who's name I can't pronounce Benedict Cumquat somethingorother Great film
  18. Nah, he ugly he's trying to do dawg - but failing miserably - just too fluffy! I've been threatening Stew with stealing Oscar all week to get a fur fix - I think would even settle for a Newfie slobbery hug and I'm really not a doggy person! He was 5 months old the last time I could give him a proper hug Whilst you've got hold of him he makes a great duster
  19. Strange as mines smooth as silk. How old is you clutch and clutch fluid as I've always found fresh fluid and a new clutch makes a huge difference, obviously a new clutch is a tad expensive but you'd be amazed at the difference fresh fluid makes
  20. Doubt it I forgot to take it with me Might chuck it in my Rav4 Thanks for the oils and advice
  21. We visited a lady with three Newfies in oz a couple of years ago and we asked her how they coped with the Hot weather, she basicaly kept them inside during the day with the AC on and only let them out early in the morning. She was more concerned about Snakes in her Garden than she was the Heat If it does get too hot here then we just fill up a kiddies Paddling pool and let Maximus chill out in that At the other end of scale when it Snows he's very handy at pulling sledges
  22. Today I changed the G/bx and Diff oil (standard Nissan oils) didn't take too long as my mate let me use his Mot Pit at his nice and warm garage. I wasn't expecting any difference in gear change smoothness as my car has only done 17k but being 6 years old I thought I'd change it anyway, I was pleasantly surprised by how much smoother the gear change is now, I always thought that the gear selection was a bit heavy in it's action and slightly notchy but after coming from my S2000 which has probably the lightest most precise action on any car I've driven, I just put it down to that's how 350z box's are. The gear selection now takes alot less effort and has absolutely no notchyness(sp?) at all, it's not quite S2000 good but it ain't far off The oil that came out of the box actually look really clean, still nice and golden and no mettalic flakes were visible in it. The diff oil was very dark and left lots of little mettalic flakes in the bottom of my drain bucket so definately needed changing. If you haven't changed your G/box oil for a while or ever then I highly recommend doing it
  23. Luckily mine isn't much of a slobberer, unless he's hungry or thirsty or excited or tired or,,,,, well you get the point
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