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Everything posted by martybhoy

  1. Welcome, youll need to get some pics of your car up!
  2. That where you had yours done Kris? I'm no overlly fussed on changing the whole section, I just think they are a touch too wide but more so the lack of chrome spoils the look. It's not soo bad just now cause its winter and the cars dirty 90% of the time but for the summer it'd be nice to have it looking good.
  3. Im just outside of Glasgow if anyone can recommend a place. Also who has the burnt blue tips on the exhaust? I'm sure I read they bought these to swap over on their car and now I cant bloomin find the thread lol
  4. Curious if anyone has this done. The reason I ask is, I have the dual straight can type system in place with the tips being quite wide... 4'' I think. The tips though have gone quite dark grey with use and no amount of autosol and cloths will bring them back to a chrome look. I was ideally thinking of getting them cut off and a chrome style with the blue tips (i've seen someone on here with them and love the look) put on. If that can even be done. Help guys?
  5. Welcome to the forum, I need to ask though why is your first preference to get an import though?
  6. Thats more attractive than most women I know!
  7. I had a z3 and forum users on there mentionned a sythetic glued fix for times like this. You had to hold fabric together (with the roof down) apply the residue and let it set for a few hours and when it came up the gap had closed right over. Was a premature fix though as some had to do it again after a few months. I cant remember the name of the glue they used. I'm sure it had youtube videos of it being applied when you searched for roof tear fix. Hope that helps a little
  8. Sorry for no pic but that NSX... wow!
  9. I just updated my policy to include my rays and exhaust.... I couldnt believe it I got stung for £18 The bandits
  10. Welcome, ahh your in stirling! It wasn't yourself I passed then on Tuesday morning? I was in the azure blue zed coming out of mcdonalds
  11. very nice, I like the zed logo on the seats.
  12. I still cant make up my mind on who to cheer on. I think it'll be a mercedes though.........
  13. Welcome and i'd agree with the guys here. Sell your US zed and Buy a UK model, the cost of bringing it here I think would probably be more than picking up a similar aged or even newer car.
  14. Yeah I have to agree with the guys, I've always ran my zed on V-power (once on tesco momentum). I've heard it can do damage to the cars top end power output but I'd like to hope one accidentul fill up would cause this. Plus you get to buy lego when you use v-power!
  15. The only bonus of having to work weekends or late shifts is that when I go home the roads are quiet and the zed blasts around them!
  16. Good stuff, make sure to post some pics when you get it!
  17. 1. glrnet x2 2. GMballistic x1 3. Grundy225 x1 (Might have 2 ) 4. Keyser x1 5. Veeg33 x1 6. Scott_f91 x1 7.Andy James x2 8. Dunks x1 9. 14N x1 10. Sam McGoo 11. Mikeyazure x1 12. DoogyRev x1 13. Stoker11 x 1 14. Paddy78 x 1 15. tatooandy67 x 1 16.Gixxeruk x 1 17.Crb x 1 18. Steve916 x 1 19. SuperStu x2 20. Bizz 21. Wendy x 1 22. mrt x 1 23. 350zedd x 1 24.martinmac x 5 25. eatonm90 26. Kev T 27. Mudman 28. JetSet 29. Payco X 2 30. KyleR 31. Shezza x 1 32. Mike_89 33. Buster X1 34.richard.hezlett x1 35.Flex x1 36. Ebized x 1 37. ChrisS x1 38. Vlad x 1 39. Rothers2901 x 2 40.Humpy x1 41. Madmarky x1 42.ianphampton x 1 43. Clark Motorsport x 1 44. terry06 x1 45. Martybhoy 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
  18. Looking forward to seeing more of this, nice purchase!
  19. Why have I got it in my head that a few years after the initial fast and furious craze they were banned due to fibreglass getting smashed etc?
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