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Everything posted by martybhoy

  1. Very nice can't wait to see these on!
  2. martybhoy

    Wheel Refurb

    I used the wheel specialist in glasgow done a top job!
  3. I drove a 360 in Manchester. Fantastic way to pass a couple hours. The Ferrari was outstanding but I think due to my age the guy was telling me to hold back a little. Still good though!
  4. Cheers lrf4n I'm in EK just now so going to nip and see Simon.
  5. Brilliant they get three feet of snow in an afternoon causes a fair bit of disruption. We get an inch n a half and the whole country comes to a standstill haha
  6. Not sure if I could have something like that as my daily but the theme certainly looks mint and would turn heads!
  7. Love the colour always fancied a z3m in it. Nice machine bet it shifts as well.
  8. I'm glad you replied there mate. I've had the thought about quad tips a few times n wondered if it would suit it or not. Sounds like your quite fond of the place then. I'm not fussed about traveling if the place is good plus means a day out in the zed if I do as well
  9. What tyres you got on it? Would you recommend them? Hehe
  10. Welcome to the forum, smashing looking zed
  11. Should've had a SPOILER alert!
  12. Just a quick question when you remove the plenum and fit a spacer is there a gasket needing to be replaced or will the spacer act as a gasket?
  13. Cheers Scobie I believe the finish im looking for is just a rolled finish. The infiniti gemini system has rolled titanium finish which I think looks mint.
  14. Bet there is alot of tweed jackets hanging up somewhere as well
  15. Thats a lovely GTR above! although I did see on faceballs a quick vid of a nissan patrol running an r35 setup.... that was mighty quick.
  16. Might not have been then, I'm pretty damn sure I'd have seen you. There is an imposter... haha
  17. My car does that depending where I park on the driveway. I openned the door yesterday morning sat for a few seconds then got some drips down my arm. Fine when the door is shut though. Just water running down when you move the car I'd say
  18. 22-24 mainly. If some more motorway trips with some town driving then 27-28 but its worth it!
  19. that lambo in the red is stunning!
  20. Ouch thats a sore one bud. Hope you get it sorted and the best result you can.
  21. great work, it looks fantastic! What app is on your tablet to monitor the input for the gauges?
  22. nothing worse than selling a car youve got attached too. Non car guys just dont get it.
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