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Everything posted by martybhoy

  1. Yep, a well looked after car will always come out top even if it has higher miles.
  2. When I think of what my next car will be, a cayman always pops into my head. The only issue I have is that when I look at caymans in my budget they just look imo a bit rubbish compared to the newer models. Not that they're ugly just that the new line up of porsches are stunning. The new boxster is outrageously good looking imo.
  3. Good to see an rx8 fan who appreciates a zed. I still think the r3 is one of the best looking sports cars about.
  4. I had a hyundai coupe sIII as my first car and it was trimendous for that age My mate who also wants a zed had a celica at the time of my coupe. We had a trip away one day into the country still probably one of my best days in motoring.
  5. My intentions are to; 1. Stop wasting my money on stupid things and put it towards 3 or 4 holidays away this year. 2. Press on with some more mods for the car. 3. After the mods are done put some money aside for next years pure rally uk to take part for a laugh.
  6. Something I've been tempted to just have done aswell to see if there was an improvement in the feel. Car doesnt drive badly though soo if its not broke dont fix it
  7. thats a good bodge fix. You'll need to update it through time to see how it turns out.
  8. Good to know bullet magnet. Anyone by any chance know a good company for an aftermarket bonnet?
  9. more discounts at supermarket petrol stations from tomorrow! :teeth:
  10. Merry christmas and have a great time over the hols
  11. A toyota aygo. however I might add since it has no rev gauge taking it to 70mph in 2nd gear going down a big hill did sound like it was going to explode. (hire car btw)
  12. I always think that people taking shots at other people for their interests or hobbies and damaged themselves and trying to make up for it. If someone likes cars great for them, same for sports etc or something like stamp collecting. If thats what you're into then good for you
  13. I have an sony xplode double din unit with the rear mounted sockets for my rear view camera. I cant remember the model off the top of my head BT82 for some reason rings a bell. A very clear output though for the camera when reversing
  14. Looks good, when I get my chargespeed rear i dont know whether to go badgeless or black....
  15. Yeah I have had the same issue with the cold damp weather. The exhaust throws up the eml for the o2 sensors but once cleared it remains clear for some time.
  16. HFC's are quite popular on here without breaking the bank
  17. The carbon fibre bonnets look great, I fancy a colour matched bonnet with black vents though. I'm glad the topic of rain water getting in has came up because that was my next question. Vlad and bullet magnet where did you get your bonnets from? Vlad yours is the style im after but with the perspex rain covers from bullet magnets.
  18. Just curious what the general opinion on bonnets with vents is? I am looking to upgrade in the new year to the bulge bonnet. I know they are roughly £300 for the bonnets. I seen a bulge bonnet with vents either side though and considerably cheaper. If any one has a link to one please attach it. I've sifted through pages and pages and still cant find the one I had seen for sale. Also anybody got pics of their bonnets with vents?
  19. fantastic work and great photos. Quite glad as well that you mentioned that the brake lines were ok to fit. I had noticed on here some people having issues.
  20. I had a friend with the 1.4 twin charged engine ibiza bocanegra (same engine i believe) and he had no end of problems. He had at one point two engine replacements and that was all in the first 11 months of brand new ownership. Said terrible customer service from seat aswell.
  21. I had the ps3 version. Didnt quite realise the extent of difference for the pc version. Maybe purchase after I get fed up of dying in arma 3
  22. I've fancied the lego tumblr for a while but at £140 I cant justify it... or can I?
  23. my local shell 1.17 for reg and 1.26 for v-power... only reason im not using momentum right now is for the lego Tbh though I didn't realise the difference in prices between tesco and shell.
  24. That sort of power in that size of car must make it an incredible drive. Good choice mate
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