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Everything posted by martybhoy

  1. I've got one too I didn't notice too much of a difference but then my exhausts are quite loud so it probably takes the effect away. Great mod though.
  2. Those covers are a thing of sheer beauty!
  3. Haha that was definetly a palm to the forehead moment. Can't wait to see pics of these wheels when they are on without the spacers.
  4. The only reason putting myself of coilovers I'd have zero use for using the adjustment I don't intend to track my car and it's about a £100-200 cheaper for bilstein b6 shocks with tein 15mm drop springs. Which is all the drop id need as I can't get in/out of my favourite restaurants car park without scraping and my work has loads of speed bumps in place. However on the other hand if the drive and response of the Torqen coilovers were really good and after the first review I'm tempted. Just not sure if the £200 difference is justified for me.
  5. Welcome to the forum car looks smashing
  6. This was Bellshill near motherwell Delboy. Camy did the one you see have an HR bonnet?
  7. This is something I've been debating about for a long time. Torqen coilovers or bilstein and tein springs. There is plenty of bilstein b6 shocks on eBay and if you look past the first couple posts some are reasonably priced.
  8. Very nice photo! Car looks great
  9. That's an impressive result. Just one question... How many rags/clothes did you go through achieving it? lol
  10. It's good stuff imo. Slightly hard to work with if you try to do reasonable sized areas at a time but the beading protection and shine is great!
  11. Very nice. That wing looks great in the silver.
  12. That is some machine. Hope you enjoy it!
  13. I think I agree. Purely on aesthetics a set of rotas plus a few stickers and 99% of the world wouldn't know the difference. I think the nismo ones do look absolutely stunning and I'm sure they are well made but I wouldn't be spending that amount on them.
  14. I don't particularly like the multi fit look. I seen from a link on Facebook to a site selling them, it's $800 per wheel. So they look stunning but I don't have the cash to spare on them
  15. I've seen a lot of zed activity in the area recently. I've probably seen you aswell. This zed though def would've known though as I was in front of him in my azure lol.
  16. that's a very odd issue. I've never had any issue with my cars even when they've had a dead battery like that happening. Odd though if someone's managed to get the windows down yet not been away with anything
  17. Never seen that tye of wheel centre cap... I must resist... too late i've clicked on the link!
  18. Still dying to see a review on these. Wish that would come soon!
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