1 Brought Bought
2 Curb Kerb
3 There Their
4 nxt next
5 kewl cool
6 Magasine Magazine
7 Threw Through
8 nuceler nuclear
9 body work bodywork
10 Wot What
11 ne Any
12. b4 before
13.bcos because
14 ". " ". "
15 Pacificly Specifically
16 your you're
17 Freind Friend
18 Neccessary Necessary
19 should of should have
20 cnt can't
21 grammer grammar
22 what so ever whatsoever
23 seen has seeing as
24 Wi With
25 to slow too slow
26 definately definitely
27 Shirley Surely
28 tripple triple
29 As has (sorry Beavis)
30 moniter monitor
31 crewl cruel
32 else where elsewhere (sorry biscuit)
33. greeeeeaaaat great
34. tard person of limited mental ability - retard is something you do to the ignition
35. Cud Could
36 warrent warrant
37 "..............." "..." or ". . ."
38 different to :angry: different from :)
39 similar as :angry: similar to :)
40 Quite :angry: Quiet :)
41 less :angry: fewer :)
42 Xmas :angry: Christmas :)
43 Dint :angry: Dent :)
44 Am :angry: I'm :)
45 Accomadation :angry: Accomodation :angry: Accommadation :angry: Accomidation :angry: Acomodation :angry: ACCOMMODATION! :)
46 driblel :angry: dribble :)
47 headin :angry: heading :)
48 stationary :angry: stationery :)
49 stationery :angry: stationary :)
50 knightmare :angry: nightmare :)
51 imbedd :angry: embed :) (sorry biscuit)
52 calander :angry: calendar :)
53 piller :angry: pillar :) pillow :)
54 intitled :angry: entitled :)
55 attakz :angry: attacks :);)
56 what ever :angry: whatever :)
57 gynacologist :angry: gyneacologist :)
58 convertable :angry: roadster :)
59 xcelent :angry: excellent :) NO on purpose bad spelling allowed :p
60 Huskey :angry: :angry: HUSKY :)
61 attakz :angry: ATTAK Z :)
62 god :angry: God :) (capital G please biscuit, as in ATTAK above) ;)
63 rediculous :angry: ridiculous :) (sorry Husky .. LoL)