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Everything posted by narcotix

  1. That's basically what CS said also ... I like the look of the Ultimax too over the Turbo Grooved ... and seeing as performance is more or less the same ... it's an easy choice ... I think I'm going to have to get my tyres replaced before I get the brakes sorted as they are more urgent ...
  2. The Zed looks very tidy and great in that colour! Welcome to the forum ..
  3. to the forum ... Unlucky about your s2000 but looking on the plus side ... you'll have a Zed soon enough! It sounds like you're after a GT Spec from what you've described ... it comes with the Rays, Leather heated seats, Cruise Control and the Bose sound system ... Not too sure on the current prices etc ... but I'm sure some other members will have a better idea. Good luck with the search!
  4. Thanks for the advice Shire ... I've just been speaking to CS about the differences between the various discs and pads etc ... As I won't be using them for track use I'm basically just looking for an upgrade to the OEM setup without going too far ... I'm thinking I'll probably end up going for the EBC Ultimax Discs and YellowStuff pads all round ...
  5. That looks like one sad Zed ... I've seen those lights before and think that they're about as ugly as they come ... Any WTF is with the blue door?
  6. Hey, I've just spend around half n hour going through the brake thread looking for information on EBS Brake discs ... and although I've learnt some good stuff about them in general I haven't found the answer to my question ... I wanted to know what the main difference is between the EBC Ultimax and EBC Turbo Grooved discs ... They are both priced the same so it's quite difficult to work out which one are better .. are one set more suitable for a certain application etc? I was thinking of going for the EBC RedStuff pads all round and since I don't do any track days just wanted to know which ones would be better for "fast road use" ... The Ultimax do look nicer imo ... Thanks
  7. The phone cradle should be removable ... If you look either side of it .. there will be a button .. press both buttons together and slide the cradle out. I had to do the same on my Zed ... Hope that helps
  8. I wouldn't know where to start with cleaning the butterfly valve on the Throttle Body ... Is there any guides on the forum anywhere that might help?
  9. Very Clean! The pictures look brilliant too!
  10. Nice one! Hope it's not an expensive fix for your sake and mine ... LoL Keep us informed ...
  11. Congratulations on the purchase ... Be good to see some pictures ...
  12. I smoke he occasional cigarette in the Zed ... wouldn't make a habit of it though ... I'm not trying to quit ... but have cut right down to 5 Silk Cut (Silver) Ultra Low a day ...
  13. I had a problem with my Zed not starting every time a while back ... In my case it turned out to be a faulty sensor ... have you had a CEL light shown up once you've managed to get the car started ...
  14. Good luck with the search ... and welcome to the forum
  15. Excellent photos ... and the zed looks
  16. welcome to the forum and Zed ownership!
  17. welcome to the club ... wow that's a lot of snow! Enjoy driving the Zed!
  18. If you don't have access to an OBDII reader, then you can read the error code from the car by following the Reset Procedure. When the CEL light starts to flash, you can count the flashes for the code ... I think it's just before the step where you press and hold the accelerator pedal down for 10 seconds.
  19. Have a look on the following thread: viewtopic.php?f=64&t=31017 There might be a member close to you that can read the code ....
  20. It's a bit mis-leading that the badge is off ... you'd think it would be dead centre .. LoL Looks like you did a sterling job though ... Looking forward to seeing some pictures once it's been painted ...
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