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Everything posted by narcotix

  1. Can you remember how much it set you back at Nissan?
  2. Thanks ... I was being very careful with the butterfly valve when I opened it to clean so hopedully won't have done damage to it .. I'll give the Idle air volume learning procedure a go when I get home tonight ...
  3. I've just got to work and the Idle RPM seems a little high again ... I'm sure it was previously idling at around 700 - 800 RPM ... and now it's at 1000 RPM ... The only thing I have done in recent days is clean out my throttle body ... Any ideas?
  4. That's not too bad compared to the £400+ it would have been .... I used to pay £215 on my FTO a few years ago ... so £245 for the zed seems quite fair to me ...
  5. I hope not but it's probably going to happen sooner or later ... I've just checked the Direct Gov site and it looks like we're alright for the now ... see link below: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/Ow ... /DG_172916
  6. The skirts aren't the best fit but it still looks cool ...
  7. I haven't drove the car since I did the reset procedure but it was idling at around 800 warmed up ... It's strange as earlier it was idling at 1000 - 1200 and that was even after a 20 miles drive ... I guess I'll find out tomorrow after the morning commute .. Thanks for all the responses guys!
  8. Hey, While driving home from work today I noticed that my engine idle RPM was slightly higher than normal ... I thought it might just be while the car is warming up, but even by the time I got home it was still higher than normal ... I've just checked for any error codes but there were none ... I reset the ECU just incase and it seems to have dropped to around what it is normally ... I'm hoping that after a bit of driving the learning features will sort it out ... Anyway I was just curious about what the idle RPM was for other members ... Thanks!
  9. I think there are previous threads on this subject ... The general consensus is that it's not possible to change the existing key to a flip out style keyfob at present ...
  10. I'm pretty sure mine is does the same in very cold weather ... but only if I'm high rev'ing ... I haven't heard it in a while now .. but then I've not been pushing the car too much as the roads haven't been the best ...
  11. Just saw these on eBay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/brand-new-nissan- ... 3efd2bb47f Would make a nice little upgrade and they're a steal at that price. I already have some on my Zed else would have purchased myself ..
  12. I'll find out tomorrow as I don't really have any plans to go out today ... clarkie34, It didn't need any force to open the butterfly valve ... It just requires a bit of pressure to open it .. I think next time I'm going to remove it completely and give it an even better clean ... but for now that's done the trick! I should have taken some pics of the cloth after I'd finished cleaning ... It was almost completely black by the end ..
  13. narcotix

    Falken 452's

    I'm looking forward to having all my tyres replaced with Falken's ...
  14. I have a blackberry and think it's great!
  15. I've just had a go at cleaning out my throttle body ... I was planning on removing it so that I could give it a really good clean but my allen keys weren't very good .. I was still able to give it a thorough clean while still attached though so I'm pleased with the result ... I haven't been out for a drive yet but will let you know if there is any noticable difference compared to before ... Anyway here are the before and after pics ... Before: The TB was very dirty and there was lots of black deposits ... After: Looking much healthier now. I held the butterfly valve open and sprayed some cleaner through ... then used a cloth to wipe away all the black stuff ... Thanks andlid for an excellent guide .. it really made it easy!
  16. Spotted at about 9:00 am on Melton Road, Leicester
  17. I think you're right Rich ... They have rear seats, quite large boot space and are fairly practical ...
  18. I was looking for a Zed for about 6 months before I actually bought one ... I don't think I slept much the night before and was definitely awake before my alarm went off that day ... I was feeling a little worried on the day as I didn't want anything to ruin it ... It felt kind of surreal once I had the paper work out of the way and had the keys in my hand ... I was a little dazzed a didnt know what to do next .. LoL I had to drive the Zed back home from Essex so I had a 100 or so miles to get used to it ... once I got it home I just parked it up and just stood and admired it for a while with a few mates ... then I went out for a long drive on my own ... It wasn't my first sports car as owned an FTO for the 3 years pervious .. but it is definitely the best by far! I remember filling up my car at the petrol station the day after I bought it ... and there was a few guys in a car next to me to who shouted "nice car mate!" It was a great feeling ... I remember thinking this is probably going to happen a lot .. LoL
  19. +1 on the Natwest advert! A mini Cooper S is not a sports car ... it always annoys me when I see that advert ... I think a sports car has to be fast, desirable and slightly impractical ... LoL
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