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Everything posted by narcotix

  1. LoL Rtb will definitely vouch for them ... I had the laser alignment done today and they found nothing wrong ... in fact it was more or less bang on already ... So I'm now thinking that the previous owener must have had it corrected once the uneven tyre wear was evident... In any case I'm going to keep a close eye on the tyres to see if they are wearing unevenly again ...
  2. Good meeting you today Wayne ... It's a shame about your bumper and exhaust ... however your car was still looking Great regardless ... Hope you get it sorted mate
  3. Yeah I'd definitely be up for that too .. We should organise something ...
  4. I've gotta agree with everyone else who's commented .. I think it looks great apart from the Zed logo ... do you have the retractable cubby door ... if so then just never close it ...
  5. Congratualtions on the pruchase and welcome to the forum.
  6. Just like to thank CS for helping me out with my Tyres and Laser alignment over this week. The car feels so much nicer to drive now and I feel more confident when throwing it into bends ...
  7. Spotted parked up today at 3pm Looking very clean might I add ...
  8. I haven't got the answer to your question but I can tell you my experience on trying this .. I got the new key cut and then used the exisiting keyfob to unlock the vehicle ... using the new key I did the ignition on/off procedure bit and then pressed the buttons on the new key which was still in the ignition at the time .. The indicator lights flashed as it said but then the new wouldn't work ... so i thought I'd just leave it for another time .. but now the old key wasn't working either for some reason .. Anyway it it turned out that the transponder was active on the second key but the lock and unlock would only work from the old key. so I just opened up the keys and swapped the transponder chip over and I was back to square one ... LoL I think my issues were due to a dodgy keyfob though as the buttons on the new keyfob would work intermittently ... I dont think you can screw your car up from the key anyway .. if it all goes a bit wrong then re-do the procedure unitl it works .. that's what i did. I hope that helps.
  9. So have you fitted your new airbox to your zed yet? If so, have you noticed any differences in the drive / performance?
  10. This question has been asked quite a few times before .. Basically if your Zed was registered after March 2006 then you're paying a little over £400 a year. If your car was registered before March 2006 then you're paying £245 a year. Have a look at the link below: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/Ow ... /DG_172916
  11. Nice one! Are you still going for the Toyo's then? I've gotta say that changing tyres has made a vast improvement to the way the car handles and drives ... It'll be even better once the tracking is sorted ...
  12. Andlid, Let me know how that goes for you ... It seems like a cheaper / quicker option to buying a post 06 airbox ..
  13. I went for the Falken 452's as I've read a lot of good reviews on them ... I think they cost me £390 delivered from Camskill and then another £40 to have them fitted ... I'm having the laser alignment done on Saturday and I'm expecting them to tell me that it's way off after looking at the tyres that just came off ... How much are the Toyo's working out to?
  14. There was another thread on this subject not so long ago ... viewtopic.php?f=25&t=32564&start=0 I think I'm probably going to get myself one soon
  15. +1 LoL ... was just about to ask the same question ...
  16. I had more wear on the inner's of my front tyres compared to the rest ... I've just had new tyres fitted this afternoon and am booked in for 4 wheel laser alignment on saturday ... Hopefully it will resolve the issue
  17. welcome to the forum .. Good luck with the search
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