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Everything posted by narcotix

  1. Hahahaha ... I hadn't noticed that when I looked last ... I just saw that it wasn't Craze anymore ... Must have been a dumb moment ...
  2. +1 I had a P1 servce done at the end of last year at an independant garage and they followed the service schedule exactly and even used better quality oil. Oh yeah and it was cheaper than the Nissan stealer ...
  3. No it was a few months ago I think ... Just think you could have had this 'walking on air' feeling a month ago if you had read it back then ... LoL
  4. So far I've owned my Zed for a year and managed to keep it fairly standard ... The only differences are uprated brakes ... LoL
  5. Sorry but it's been posted on here a while back ... LoL
  6. Welcome to the forum .. I'm not sure I agree with the advice about a car being an investment though ... When you make an investment you are doing so under the assumption that you will receive a return on the money that you put into the investment. A house appreciates in value over time; stocks/shares pay a dividend as well as appreciate in value. But a car is not an investment as it depreciates over time ... Still I wouldn't let that put you off buying a 370z if that's what you really want!
  7. A work colleague recently changed from an iPhone 3GS to the HTC Desire and can't stop raving about it ...
  8. According to previous threads ... The best setup for performance is using the post 06 airbox with a performance panel filter ...
  9. Good news about the MOT ... but not so good about having to sell ... Hope you find something soon mate
  10. I've recently had EBC Yellowstuff pads fitted to the front of my Zed and found that they do squeal quite a lot once I've been using them ... They're usually fine in the mornings ... but I notice a squeal when I get closer to work ... it's fairly loud as well ... Do you think the bedding in Preocedure will help me too?
  11. Yes the bulbs in the link are the correct fitment ... I got mine from Auto Bulbs Direct too! Don't forget the forum discount code for 10% off!
  12. The car's looking very cool ... BTW: Where did you get your stubby aerial from .. and is it any good in terms of reception? I'm looking to buy one atm the moment but am being put off as I don't know about reception etc ... Cheers
  13. I purchased the Phillips Silvervision bulbs for my front repeaters after reading some bad reviews on the Silvatec bulbs ... The Phillips ones are almost double the price of Silvatec bulbs but they are the same if not brighter than the standard bulbs.. I'm considering changing the rear indicator bulbs V. Soon . and was hopin that theere were other bulbs out there which are as bright as the stanard bulbs ...
  14. Spotted on Saturday night around 9:45pm on Belgrave Road outside Majlis. I've also seen this Zed at Greens Gym Leicester about 2 weeks ago ..
  15. +1 on the WD external drives. I've had 2 of them for quite some time now and have never experienced any issues with them
  16. Ooops ... I even googled it as well but didn't read into it too much! I hope everything went well anyway Mitz ...
  17. Another thing that's slightly different is the electrics (correct me if I'm wrong) ... It's not major differences but I'm sure there have been threads on the subject ... Oh yeah .. and only specifc OBDII readers work on them ...
  18. Spotted (on foot) today at 3:45pm on Ross Walk, Leicester ... and before anyone says it ... "Needs spacers and lowering"
  19. I am a strong believer in Evolution ... I know it's not 100% proven but IMO there is too much evidence for it to not be correct ... Everyone's entitled to their own opinions ... and I don't make a big deal of it if people don't have the same views as me ... I watch quite a lot of discovery channel / nature programs and there is evidence of Evolution occurring in species all the time ... I think over a massive time scale it's the only logical explanation to how we as a species have become what we are today ...
  20. It's just sods law ... I had the drivers side completely painted when I got some accident damage repaired through insurance ... an I think it lasted a week total ... I was on my way to work he week after it was done and something flew up off the road and put 3 deep scratches along the freshly painted side ... It's not too noticable as I've touched it up with a Nissan touch up kit but eveytime I clean/polish the car it always pi$$es me off!
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