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Everything posted by narcotix

  1. LoL .. It's funny because I spend quite a lot of time doing the same thing ... If Facebook / Forum aren't very exciting I usually go looking for things on eBay .. or watch some youtube videos .. And if I'm REALLY bored ... I do some work ..
  2. It looks Brilliant and I'm sure it works even better! Nice work mate!
  3. HaHaha .. I definitely remember this game from my youth ... It's funny actually as I still remember the password for the guarded door inside lefty's ... Go inside the building and knock on the door to your right ... the guy will ask for a passwoyd ... type: "ken sent me"
  4. I ordered a pair of these a few weeks ago and have just had them delivered this morning. I only need the one bulb so the second one is up for grabs ... I'm looking for £7.00 for bulb ... that includes delivery .. Payment via paypal as a gift or bank transfer.
  5. I too am feeling the effects of the night before ... I'm feeling a lot better than I did this morning .. but still not 100%
  6. Yes I can confirm the bit about your Zed being centre of attention ... LoL I was down there earlier for some brake work also I was telling Mitz how rarely I've seen custard Zeds ... The car looked very cool .. I especially like the wheels!
  7. It's not going to be service related ... It's more likely that you have a fault of some sort being reported .. The flashing CEL method of reading the code can be a little difficult to decypher ... make sure you're reading it correctly .. Alternatively you can get it hooked up to a laptop with the correct software and have it read that way .. Where abouts are you based anyway?
  8. Try sending a PM to ZmanAlex .. He should be able to sort you out ..
  9. My brakes are squealing something rotten at the moment ... It's only the front passenger side brake from what I can tell ... The difference is that mine is constant! It started out similar to yours with it only being noticable when lightly braking ... but now is Really Loud! I'm waiting to have them looked at ... It's actually quite embarrasing driving around with such a loud squeal!
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