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Everything posted by narcotix

  1. Have you tried http://www.bell.co.uk I've also got 0 Years NCB due to being a named driver on other policies until now .. Bell were the cheapest by far for me ...
  2. I've had it down to the dotted line once but went straight to the nearest petrol station when I saw it ...
  3. Congratulations on the purchase Welcome to the forum
  4. Great pics! The Zed looks very clean too!
  5. Brilliant guide! Thanks for posting it up for everyone Alex!
  6. Alright mate.. How much will you be after for the LED Rear Lights when you do remove them? I'd be interested in them ...
  7. I definitely agree with you on that point... I don't give them a second look nowadays... it's funny because I've seen Porsche drivers check out the Zed while driving by .. LoL It's all about the Z-Factor!
  8. my barclaycard is linked to paypal to pay for stuff and i've never been charged a fee. I always use my Mastercard to pay for all my purchases via Paypal and I've never been charged a fee either ...
  9. Mods can you please lock this thread as the item is now sold! Thanks!
  10. Spotted yesteday at 5:00pm at the traffic lights on Harborough Road, Leicester I was 1 car behind you on your left-hand side ...
  11. A friend sent me this link to a Gymkhana 650bhp Ford Fiesta being driven around a track ... http://www.evo.co.uk/news/evonews/25665 ... _live.html
  12. LoL .. It's funny because I spend quite a lot of time doing the same thing ... If Facebook / Forum aren't very exciting I usually go looking for things on eBay .. or watch some youtube videos .. And if I'm REALLY bored ... I do some work .. I got this image of us living parallel lives! Forum.....facebook....forum....facebook....youtube.....forum....facebook.....work........ebay.........forum......end of day! Hahah .. Yep you just summed up most days for me ... I did forget to mention the occasional doodling session in meetings ... LoL
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