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Everything posted by narcotix

  1. narcotix

    OEM Sat Nav

    Welcome to the forum
  2. I just renewed my car insurance last week and the cheapest I could get it was £150 more than last years price ..
  3. Welcome to the forum! The Zed looks ace BTW ...
  4. That's really good! It's a very catchy tune!
  5. I think I'm going to have to make a trip down there myself once my bank account has recovered after my recent insurance renewal ..
  6. I have the EBC Ultimax Discs all round ... They're definitely an upgrade from the standard discs .. They look pretty cool too!
  7. Autobulbs have been out of stock for a few months now ... I'm sure the SilverVision bulbs are now discontinued as well ...
  8. I had to take a detour to work last week due to an accident and I ended up on this very narrow country lane with only me on it! It felt Great ... The same feeling of going faster than I actually was .. LoL
  9. Welcome to the forum .. There is a thread somewhere on the forum which should let you know the kind of things to look out for when inspecting a Zed ...
  10. +1 Zed's seem to attract "red light racers" like moths to a flame! I totally agree with you on that point ... With recent fuel price increases I've been trying to drive a bit more economically on my daily commute ... but there is always someone trying to get me to race etc ... I don't usually do it .. but sometimes I just have to floor it!
  11. Well after what feels like a month searching for a decent car insurance price ... I finally got a half decent quote from Admiral .. I didnt go for the multi car policy as I don't have any other cars to ad to the policy ... I was just going to renew my existing policy as it was the cheapest so far ... but after reading the details it turns out that the reason for it being so cheap is the £1100 excess and it's only for 10 months. The Admiral quote is only £50 more and reduces the excess significantly and also covers me for 12 months ... I'm feeling a bit happier about it ... but it's still quite high
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