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Everything posted by narcotix

  1. Congrats on the purchase mate...
  2. I prefer Black Coffee .. the stronger the better! But I've had to reduce my intake as I was become used to it ... I now try and limit myself to one coffee in the morning and another just after lunchtime (unless I'm really struggling) ... I usually have a few (5-10) Green Teas throughout the day though ...
  3. I did use to put the occasional tank of 95 ron fuel in my Zed .. But I haven't done it in months now ... The difference in the way it drives is massive! It feels a lot more responsive and smoother!
  4. I've had 2 'moments' since getting my Zed ... I'm definitely more careful in bad weathers conditions now as a result ...
  5. Could possibly be the other Cam postion sensor .. They can give some strange error codes when they start to mis-behave ... Have a look at this thread: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=27455
  6. You can get SDHC cards really cheap these days ... What's the largest size card you Headunit can manage (in terms of capacity)? I always check: http://www.hotukdeals.com for the best prices!
  7. I'd probably go for: smoked/clear front reflectors LED Rear lights S2000 Stubby Aerial
  8. not totally true, depends if its a UK car or JDM Damn ... Yeah I did overlook that!
  9. Alright mate, to the forum ... In regards to your questions: 1) The dongle in the centre console sounds like the Bluetooth dongle.. There is a manual on the forum somewhere which will explain exactly how to use it (sorry I can't find the link at the moment) 2) I can't really help you with this one .. but I'm sure someone else can/will.. 3) I pretty sure that all Zeds have Xenon headlights ... However the Facelift Zeds (Post 06) come with Bi-Xenon headlights ...
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