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Everything posted by narcotix

  1. It's looks Briliant in white!
  2. I'd say with a spoiler .. Something discreet though like the one in your original post ..
  3. Honda S2000 are definitely the best ones .. I think I got mine for £10 delivered from eBay ..
  4. Are the lifters still available?
  5. Luckily for me I was at work when the hail storm started in Leicester ... I've seen some friends cars and they are a mess!
  6. Sounds like the symptoms of faulty Cam Shaft Postion Sensors to me ... There are a number of old threads where people have had idenitcal problems and usually that's the cause .. I had a very similar problem with mine a while back, the main difference way that mine never cut out while driving ... It just used to struggle to start every now and again... Turned out to be a faulty Crank Position Sensor on mine .. I know Shire definitely had the same issues with his Zed and his turned out to be a faulty Cam Shaft Position Sensor.. Hopefully the Error code will reveal all ..
  7. Is that the same dimensions as the lip on the Nismo bumper?
  8. As per the subject of this thread .. Can someone please tell me the diameter of the Exhaust gasket that goes between the mid-section and the back box? Any help would be mich appreciated .. Thanks!
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