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Everything posted by narcotix

  1. Vodka! I had about 3 quarters of a 70cl bottle to myself at a friends Barbeque yesterday ... It was spaced out over the day though and with lots of food in between drinks so felt fine this morning!
  2. Thanks for the replies.. I've just checked the fuel regulator at the back of the engine.. It's hard to tell if there is a pulsing in the pipe but it does sound louder in that area.. How much are the fuel regulators.. If they're not too expensive then maybe it's something I could do anyway..
  3. Just wanted to run this past you guys in case you've got this issue with your Zed also ... Over the past few months my Zed has developed a bit of a ticking sound from the engine .. I'm guessing it's the tappets .. but just wanted to get some other opinions on it.. The car still drives fine, it's just really annoying to hear the ticking sound when I'm stationary at traffic lights etc.. My Zed is a 2004 with 60k on the clock if that helps .. Any ideas?
  4. Looks pretty good! I'm still not really a fan of replicas though ...
  5. narcotix


    Welcome to the forum
  6. Congratulations on the purchase Enjoy!
  7. Welcome to the forum The wheels on the Zed are
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