I once witnessed a senior citizen turn into a parking spot next to a brand new XF jag, he clipped his front right against the jags bumper he continued to try to drive forward realised he couldn't so reversed back and tried again
This time he succeeded..... In rubbing his right front bumper the entire length of the jag and got out of his car as though nothing happened.
The whole time this was going on the jag owner sat in his car totally astonished.
About half a dozen people including me were just rooted to the spot open mouthed.
I felt sorry for both, the old boy will have lost his license as he obviously wasn't fit to drive (he may have once been a total petrol head for all we know) and also the jag owner who went from a moment of joy to sadness in the space of a couple of minutes.
EDIT: not really an idiot but a car park incident.