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Everything posted by Fodder

  1. How can you be stuck on a 4 hour linear FPS SP campaign ? Serioulsy ? I was too.... Mainly because I was playing the same missions over and over again due to the save game glitch. Will try MP tonight, tempted to try during my 11am call though
  2. Yeah I saw that, a bit ambiguous with the week statement too. Enjoying COD again which surprises me. I just can't get into battlefield MP. Tried the practise thing and I'd have to stay as a ground grunt as I can't get to grips with the vehicle controls That said I may just drop into an MP and see how I get on.
  3. Titanfall beta registration open: http://www.titanfall.com/beta
  4. Glad she's on the mend. Thanks for posting some pictures she is gorgeous and we want to see more when she's more herself minus the cone of shame
  5. I only have experience of connecting flights in the states. I assume as long as you have your passport, flight documentation and visas it shouldn't be any different. Hire cars. I hired a car a few years back and as I was going across state lines I had to make sure there was no issue. It can be apparently. Oh and fueling is a bit weird, having to pay before fueling but it's cheap. You will need both parts of your license too. Enjoy
  6. Spotted you driving into town on Wrexham road by the kings school. Flashed but you didn't acknowledge....... Ok the flash was from the dogs flashing collar as I was walking her Not really a fan of red on the zed but it does suit the ragtop well
  7. Good news, incompetent first vet though? I'd speak to your regular vets and get some advice as £2k for something which was potentially the wrong procedure for her is a little concerning. Please keep us updated and some pics when she's home and feeling up to having her pic taken.
  8. Sorry didn't mean to sound harsh just there was no smiley to show it was a joke.
  9. No one said it was. I think it's a brilliant light hearted way to show disapproval of Russian laws and views of life choices.
  10. Just seen this on channel 4
  11. Can't add much else but fingers crossed for her. I'm concerned our pup will suffer from this at some point as she eats her food so quickly and in the mornings she won't go for her walk until after her food which can be a factor. Food then exercise I mean. We've done away with her bowl and use a mix of feeding toys and just throwing her food on the floor in the hope this slows her down. Obviously we use dry food.... Don't think it would work quite as well with wet food, would just look like a dirty protest. As I said fingers and toes crossed for a very adorable little lady.
  12. By the way I wasn't trying to extract the urine with the last paragraph... I just thought you couldn't find it earlier in the thread
  13. no likey. I thought The sync button is on the left side of the of the xbox one. The silver but next to the disc drive if that helps?
  14. I may have missed it but.... Was your sync issue resolved and how?
  15. Picked this up for £25 from amazon (who then dropped to £20 the day before it was delivered) but I'm enjoying it. It's a lot easier than GT5 though. I just wasn't getting along with the karts at first but love them now. Graphically this is what GT5 should have been however the difficulty level is too easy and the content seems to be lacking a little. Now if they could implement some of the features of Forza and GT5 this would be the ultimate.
  16. Repetition and consistency is key. I'm no expert but we are taking our lab to training at the minute. Hitting, tapping or smacking of any kind is really frowned upon and rightly so. I'm afraid you've got your work cut out due to the fact no one else in the household is enforcing in the same way as you. Ignoring their antisocial habits is the way to go. We can really see the results now after months of this. Thankfully our issues are around an over friendly stubborn dog as opposed to a noisy one. I'd suggest looking for a local trainer that's recommended by local folks as we find it fun too. Good luck
  17. I just had a quick look in the obvious places to buy for prices and noticed on eBay that some have bid as high as £30 + £3 p&p, when it's available for £25 delivered on Amazon Some people are complete mongs and just HAVE to "win" an auction. Apologies I'm on the phone and meant to post the direct link to amazon. I follow post a bargain on twitter. They've been tweeting some great deals. I've actually ordered this now as at that price it's worth a look.
  18. I don't have the game but am tempted at £25 http://www.postabargain.co.uk/categories/ps3/gran-turismo-6-ps3/039917
  19. The thing is an idiot is going to be an idiot no matter what. I walk, cycle and drive almost everyday now. This morning walking the dog (keeping her away from the cycle path) and I see a light coming towards me... Slowly.... A cyclist had chosen to ride his bike on the road. Now the lane he had chosen had a bus lane to his left and further to the left s dedicated cycle path. He chose to ignore the path and ride in the middle of the 50mph lane and purposely try yo block motorised vehicles. I was dumbfounded. If I ride to work I ride the cycle path he chose to ignore, it's not ideal but I'd choose it over the road anytime. I think this Lycra clad beardy type wanted an argument and that would've made his year.
  20. It did, seems it's an issue with COD with lots on the forums seeing variations. Also an ambassadors advice on the Xbox forums to ditch COD I think he had his ambassador status removed
  21. Just had an "out of memory 2" error while attempting to load a game...
  22. Ahhh buggar, me no like. Not heard of that before. Hope it's sorted quickly.
  23. See World Cup winner all down hill from here
  24. I'm not a fan of them but they would look truly wrong on a roadster.
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