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Everything posted by Fodder

  1. Ok so binned my Karting career Restarted on the formula rookie. I've noticed a sound issue on the Xbox one with a headset, basically if you brake then it looses all sound. Anyone else had that? Headset and pad are up to date firmware wise. Just did a google actually and it is a known issue. The results I got seem to suggest it affects turtle beach headsets which is what I have. Ah well no 7am blasts for me for the time being
  2. I bottled it and started on novice In fairness I'm using a pad but it is becoming obvious I'll have to invest in a wheel it's just I don't really have the room. My setup is in the box bedroom which we use as an office and my games room. The TV is on the "box" so quite high up with no room for a seat..... Maybe I'll have to set it up in a bus configuration I did have a couple of issues last night whereby my kart would turn 90° without any input from me, I don't know if this was a sticky stick, a tap from another kart or a code issue to be fair. I suspect it's purely down to using a pad. Starting to enjoy it and will spend some time tweaking tomorrow when I have more time.
  3. Well it arrived, I can only imagine the backend system used US date format and presented it in UK format. Installing and updating as we speak, hope to get a chance to play tonight however it sounds like I will need to invest in a wheel
  4. Labour took Chester from the Conservatives with a margin of 93 votes. Every vote certainly does matter
  5. Just had a notification to say my preorder from tesco has just been dispatched and expected delivery is 5th September :surrender:
  6. Going to follow this. Been debating about getting one myself but for a different reason and don't want to hijack your thread.
  7. Glad you're all sorted GM. Nothing quite so frustrating even when you do understand the tech. Good shout SMD, surprising how often that fix is a last resort and it working.... Mind you the last thing anyone tries should be the fix If possible I would keep your NAT type to open, some games matching don't like anything less or certainly drop the chances of you getting into a "good" game. However Open should be type 1 so not sure why yours says type 2. Anyway you're up and running so happy shooting
  8. Firstly I'm walking the dog so apologies for typos etc in advance I know you said your NAT type has always been moderate but id try resolving that by either setting up port forwarding or putting your console in the DMZ. Secondly there could be an issue with the PSN or even the game you're playing.
  9. Yep I added a 4tb WD drive too and it was thanks to one of Dans posts earlier in this thread I won't mention the fact I never knew the console had 3 x USB 3.0 ports until he pointed that out too Don't forget the Xbox will reserve the entire disk and you can't partition.
  10. I preordered a physical copy of PC. Been playing a little GTA online the last couple of nights, can't be dealing with randoms so basically set the game to closed when I start. Up to level 10 and enjoying it but I'm guessing from level 12 I'll have to start playing with randoms
  11. Moulded plugs are found fitted on most modern appliances and can't be removed. The only thing you can do on them is change the fuse, whereas plug tops you buy from the shop can be dismantled and rewired. I think the OP is planning on cutting the moulded plug off and fitting a standard plug As others have said just move the fuse I've to the new plug. How do you know the moulded plug is faulty?
  12. The garage will be trended too.... The banks share data between themselves. Don't think I'd ever buy anything of value with a debit card though
  13. I worked on implementing a system which detected fraudulent activity on cards. This was 10+ years ago and it was quite sensitive back then. They had folks use placed "cards" as a test.... I didn't volunteer for that one. They trend what your spending/usage habits are and anything slightly out of the norm is flagged for review, if it hits a score its immediately escalated. I've been done twice myself, once was highlighted by the company I work for and once by a high street financial provider I use. On both occasions it was nominal transactions but totally out of the norm for me. Was PAYG phone top ups IIRC. I always use a credit card for Internet/petrol station transactions as the protection seems to be a lot more sensitive. OP if you rarely use your card and only online either the merchants/payment processor has been compromised or you have.
  14. I was told and also read the same. Great pictures of all the forum pets!
  15. Tesco are doing 2 preorders for £80 and thy are also doing a £10 discount on orders over £75. Delivery is free and if the games are cheaper on release they will still honour the lower price. £10 discount code expires today. I've just preordered Project Cars and Tom Clancy's siege for the Xbox one.
  16. Ahhh ok so your current account is based on your original application as a business owner. I think you will struggle as they will always want to know the income/means to pay for the account holder as they are liable for the debt. By the way this is my interpretation and could be off the mark. You need Mr TB to employ you as his chauffeur or start your business up again which from reading some of your posts is what you really want to do.
  17. Any responsible lender will only give you credit if you have an income and an ability to pay off your debt. Being refused credit is quite serious from a credit rating from what I remember. are you sure you aren't a cardholder with Mr TB being the account holder? Edited to add clarity to a couple of points
  18. I may HAVE to pick this one up too. I already have you two as friends - bl00dy driveatars are far too good for me on forza as it is
  19. So why did you go right if you had right of way as I'd have expected the truck to be on your right. If you were on the right hand side of the road on a two way stretch as your post suggests you must give way to oncoming traffic. Not saying she was in the right but it sounds like you were on her side of the road. Edit: I see you've edited your post. I was confused and now understand your frustration
  20. I get what you mean, I think Stephen Fry is a master of the language and can out step many with the use. He's a very clever man. By the way, I too love the word perambulate hence my use, for some reason it always makes me smile very much the same was as Robbie Coltranes potrayal or Samuel Johnson in blackadder - which is also the reason I used the example
  21. I know what you're saying but I'm sure Samuel Johnson could have argued the same when he first started documenting the language. Why have new words when we have existing ones such as perambulate..... It's evolution, lots of acceptable words in today's British English have their roots in the old empire and would have been foreign to the fast majority of the British public....
  22. Mudman, I too work with HK and Singaporeans and I agree we make light of certain situations and it can be a great ice breaker. With regard to US English setting are concerned I often set test server consoles to British keyboards on the admin account
  23. We have fun with it too, one of the guys is a proper Texan who has the cowboy attitude and way of speaking. I was getting him to pronounce aluminium the British way on a conference call and he couldn't. Actually none of them could apart from a Canadian. They often poke fun out of our gratuitous use of "u" in words such a colour etc.
  24. I work for an American company so am very used to the differences in language so much so if I'm targeting an American audience with an email I use their spelling etc. I have also been known to use the word vacation outside of work Interestingly I work with an American who has a love of linguistics and he shared an article with me a while back which made a case for American English being closer to the English in use over here when the mayflower sailed. If I can find it I will share. Language evolves, it's a two way street as my American colleagues all use british colloquialism's. Mainly "cheers" when ending a call
  25. I must admit It really boils my p$$$ when your sat in a macdonalds car park and rubbish is deposited out the car window when a bin is never more than 10 yards away Not too long ago I was contemplating the next big thing - in the pub which is where I normally contemplate such things and may have some bearing on my idea to resolve such issue. Cartons, bags etc that fast food chains use are all barcoded and scanned in at POS when either the cars registration (if drive through) or debit card details are recorded as part of the transaction. When the said debris is found it is scanned and the offenders are fined the £1000 or whatever it is. I know there are issues with this plan as I say it was a pub idea but it's a start Don't get me started on dog mess, it bugs the hell out of me and makes the vast majority of good dog owners guilty by association. It's not the dogs fault but a bad owner so please remember that.
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