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Everything posted by Fodder

  1. Finally got around to trying R6 siege. Only had chance to play the first "situation" but it's looking good..... Actually that's a lie, I stared the second situation and ermmm failed miserably. Will teach me for going all Rambo
  2. H reg MK2 Astra 1.6 in white...£1600... Oh the embarrassment.
  3. Is he banned or can't you talk about that .... Here's hoping my sense of humour doesn't get me a point
  4. I'd still be wary. As I said if it goes pear shaped OR something related fails in a few months time you carried out the repairs you would be liable. Also how do you know she isn't going to deny all knowledge of the conversation when it comes to getting your deposit back.... Honestly she will (should anyway) have insurance for things like this and you could also be invalidating that too.
  5. Is it just me who thinks you should be phoning the landlord to sort it? What happens if you fix it but a few months down the line there is a more serious problem and its noted you have done some unauthorised work? Or it goes pear shaped and he needs to get someone in anyway? You could be liable for some expensive bills. Call the landlord, his problem.
  6. So sorry to hear that mate, she looks a beautiful horse and looks like she had a nice place to call home.
  7. Mk1 corsa which was interesting as the instructor had just swapped from a Nova which i'd been taking my lessons in Passed first time though however I think that fact gave me a false sense of God like status
  8. I suspect the majority of those stopped were part of a campaign, typically Sunday mornings whereby they set up close to a retail park and pull drivers randomly which was the case for me but as said early I was clear 2500 is a lot unless a campaign. I would think a small percentage of those stopped were by actual observation (sat near a pub late on a Friday waiting).
  9. +1 for project management. I work in IT and good PM's are worth their weight in gold.... The not so good PM's seem to do well too. I see more Prince2 qualified than SixSigma though so I'd go the Prince route. As Ricey said the role of a PM doesn't have to have actual experience of the industry but it does help. The summer accountability scheme your place of work offers sounds like an ideal learning opportunity alongside any PM qualifications as essentially what you've described is the meat of the work.
  10. I don't think the 500gb version is a deal breaker unless you're planning on all digital downloads with a lot of games from the outset. I have a 4tb usb3 drive plugged into mine for the extra storage and cost me <£100 from Amazon. Not aware of any deals right now but if you follow "postabargain" on Twitter they tweet all the latest deals for tech related stuff.
  11. This is pretty much what I've worked on. If I'm going out and driving its 0 alcohol, not even a pint of shandy as it's not worth it. If I am drinking and have to drive the next day always in moderation and cut off is typically 9pm depending on amount I've consumed then it's home or soft drinks. Interestingly I've only been pulled once and it was a Sunday morning just before Christmas near Broughton shopping park on the usual festive crack downs. Officer pulled me over , asked if I'd had a drink the previous night which I had 4 or 5 pints of Vier over a period of 4 hours and had stopped by 9.30pm. So he quite rightly breathalysed me which I blew zero and left me to get on my way. Scary nonetheless but I totally support them carrying out this activity. If I've had a skin full I wouldn't drive the next day.
  12. Typically if it was the address it would say so. The rely you get suggests any mail is being rejected to that address. That said depending on the client the person is using they could've fat fingered their reply address it the message doesn't suggest that. Sounds like an issue at AOL side, maybe maintenance is going on or a rule has been applied incorrectly to their edge servers. If you have another AOL contact you could send a test with a delivery receipt to is try that.
  13. Think the OH has got me Fallout 4 for my birthday at the end of the month. That said we had a trip to Costco last night and while perusing the tv's, cameras etc she wandered off and when she came back she had a black ops 3 card. She's good like that buying me a game with my own money Anyway installed and started the campaign (after the best part of an hour installing/downloading updates) and feel so underwhelmed with the gameplay and graphics. Feels very last gen with the visuals but that said I've only completed the first mission so fingers crossed. I do tend to play the campaign first then hit MP dipping into the hardest setting for campaign periodically.
  14. The thing is like everything the good techs move on to where they can earn more and that's usually either working for themselves or an indy who specialises in the marque they cut their teeth on. Don't forget the main dealer may be more expensive but the techs don't see any extra. So yes looking for a good indy with techs who know the marque is preferable over a main dealer who will always be down the list.
  15. Much easier than you think, although it flummoxed me first too! Thanks Dan. Need to research some of the items so will come back to this section another time
  16. Well I picked up where I left off and I'm stuck....
  17. GM I've hardly had chance to play due to a mixture of work being sick for my first weekend off in a month but I got an hour in on Monday night and I was on 18%. I'll have a look at the other stats tonight if I get chance. The OH had said she will get me either Fallout4, COD or Assassins Creed for my birthday at the end of the month and as I've only just started to play Forza6 I'm really struggling with limited time
  18. If in doubt that it's a spoiler please put it in spoiler tags. I don't know what it is with Halo, it ticks all the boxes of games I typically like however after playing the original on PC it never really grabbed me, so much so I haven't played another since. It's a weird phenomen (bet you've got the muppets tune in your head al day now) with other examples being tomb raider, doctor who and the more modern post shatner Star Trek tv series. They tick all the right boxes but I just never really gel with them. I've got "Siege" on pre order and found out yesterday that they are for Xbox one bundling R6 Vegas 2 on backward compatibility with it. Nice surprise as I had it on PS, loaned it out and never got it back. Great game that one
  19. Smythes are advertising Ps4 + fifa16 for £285 at the minute. A colleague picked up a bundle at game which was £300 with 3 games including Nathan drake collection. There are a few bargains to be had!
  20. Are you sure it's not StevoD? Looks like his kind of typing
  21. Will try and get time this week. Forza6 has been taking most of my attention. At least the clocks go back gives me an hour extra..... For the next week anyway
  22. Oops I'm only 16% Guess I've still lots to do.
  23. He already has CAT6 throughout so doesn't need home plugs. I've had mixed results with extenders too, I'd reach out to "Commander" as he's our resident expert on such matters
  24. Still haven't checked what %. I had to cancel my meeting last night so Forza had my attention for an hour.
  25. Didn't fire the PS4 up tonight so didn't check. I have calls tomorrow night so it may be an ideal time to check % and get some sneakyness in... Need to be quiet especially as I'm host
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