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Everything posted by Vale

  1. Clone brush i'm up for a photo shop shoot out
  2. Vale


    I think he got the message Alex What plugs does yours have in Alex ? I was getting 25-27mph untill i put Denso's in, now i get 30-31mph and i "drive" it alot including a 22 mile round trip to work 5 days a week i also use Tesco's super unleaded its 99 octane dont know whether that makes a difference, i am sure some tech head will butt in on that statement
  3. Vale


    Good luck matey, and remember !! dont impulse buy.... there is always another one Hope its the right one first time bud
  4. TBH it was the smell of leather that won it for me mate I have tried all sorts of fancy stuff in the past but a good cream like what you suggested "only by opinion of course" doesnt have to cost the same as a fully grown cow to be good, and adding that smell back must be sublime You got to luv it
  5. Me too Alex, i just ebay'd some poor boys on Riches advice cant wait to smell that leather again
  6. Cheers Rich, and again thanks to all for the input. I think we can safely round this thread up there dont you think guys and gals Kindest regards, Vale (Lee) See you at the next meet soon
  7. Thanks Rich i just love MORE choices the wish list for my Zed is off the scale now and i plan to do lots to it too I guess keeping it on the black bit comes first though eh
  8. Yer i sort of got the jist earlier in the thread that i need to look at better tyres £££££££ But its the old which one ? Toyo ? Faulken ? there isnt a definitive answer and everyone on here is 50/50 So maybe santa might have to decide for me, i sort of want Nurrish's media system too Wheres my credit card
  9. They are the Bridgestone ones Chris. the rears have about 1k on them and i never assume livelyness without a bit of warmth run through them, or the car Like i said it was more about how the ESP reacted/jumpd in/cut off rather then grip. I appreciate once grip is lost the ESP would do its job, its how it does it i thought was abit "over" sensitive. Thanks again though. I really do apprecaite everyones opinion, its good reading and experience in itself
  10. Geometry is spot on, just had it checked out, tyres on the rear are new 7mm and on the front 3.5mm. I appreciate its slippy out there too and i dont condone driving like a c$%t on public roads but i dont own the zed for track days alone, or drive a micra to work and back. Its a car that is meant to be driven. I guess i am comparing it to my others cars which had a different level of sensitivity around how the ESP reacted ! Hay Ho, thanks for all the advice, i still love my Zed and i guess i will adapt to it rather then be 100% responsible for thinking it would adapt to my ability lets all be safe now Cheers peeps.
  11. My sentiments exactly Christos
  12. my driving style is fine, smooth and balanced, and i dont spin off at traffic lights i am 38 an example of what i mean is during a "slight" drift on a bend the ESP just jumps in with no warning or progresivness, its just boom and loss of power which during a moment of youthfullness make the adjustment feel more over done then needed, and like Chris mentioned, the zed dont give the power back quick enough Now before you all jump on the band wagon and shout about public roads and spirited drives etc etc all i am saying is IMO the ESP is too sensetive for a car of this caliber and i just wondered what you lot thought too ? I know your not attacking me H5 but there are a few posts if you read back where i am getting a bit of stick about my driving abilities which are some what presumptuous. I didnt realise there were so many proffesional drivers here with the ability to judge my driving from a thread ! I dont and wont brag about my past as i dont feel i am the best driver in the world. Greekman is..he told me so but i do have ability and maybe i should of mentioned that, i take responsibilty for that and realise i probably walked into it. appologies Let me rephrase the initial question........ Do you think the ESP is too sensitive for the Zed or do you feel its perfect ? And i'm not talking about everyday driving, i'm talking about when you want to "ENJOY" the car on safe occasions
  13. FUBAR thats the one just up the road from "The Bevy" !! no sh1t and as far as approach goes Christos all a "Ull" lass needs is a bag of chips with tommy sauce on and you've pulled
  14. Ull way Defo up for that buddy.
  15. Thanks Greeky i never professed to be the best driver i just dont like being judged when nobody knows anything about my experience. Really sorry to hear about your Zed matey hope you get it sorted soon. I think You, me, Alex and hamster are up for a meet as soon as your Zed is mended Thanks for the laugh bud
  16. How do you change the diff oil in the standard viscous diff? I was of the impression that its non-serviceable?? What diff oil did you use? OEM diff oil as per Nissan service dept ! forgot the grade but it was 1.4ltr i think. and it is definately serviceable. Just to clear up any missunderstandings i was relating to how sensitive the ESP was during a "spirited" drive which by some standards on other car models i find the Zed a little too keen. As far as driving wrong or badly as some of you have assumed i do have 18 months circuit racing experience for Brooklands motor company in a hand built 3.9ltr V8 Cobra that had 415bhp AT the rear wheels so i sort of trust MY ability, i was taught to drive in an old Cosworth too at Cadwell park. 3 weeks of the best xmas bonus i have ever had. (Cheers Nick ) Thanks for all your input. I have taken it all on board. Regards.
  17. Just the OEM one mate, my zed just reached 50k so thought i would do gear and diff for peice of mind i also got the Denso plugs fitted as per forum advice
  18. Thanks Husky, i will look into that appreciated.
  19. She is looking a beauty mate Call me stupid but whats this clay bar all about, never had them im my day Whats it do and where do you get em for all us clay bar newbies unless i am the only clay bar virgin
  20. Thanks GT4 Zed, and thanks to everyone else for the insight. I will defo be looking at the tyre issue as the fronts are low and D4XNY, i get a light come on too when the ESP kicks in
  21. I have 7mm on the back and 3.5mm on the front Rich. its defo a tyre issue, like i said i was more concerned with the agressive kick in of the esp but this seem to be the norm which i guess is good. And as far as ins premiums go Husky, dont even get me going on that one i pay too much for my age, zero points, zero calims etc etc this goverment can kiss my £££
  22. Yer, i read Falkens or Toyo's. Dont want to turn this into a tyre thread as i am sure i could search that but whats the consensus on these two makes ? Is there a preference ? Dam i just turned this into a tyre thread
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