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Everything posted by rich5259

  1. you probably don't need spacers other than to enhance the stance If you are buying a "package" from the net, make sure you get a reputable tyre brand that others have used and reccommended as some of the online retailers have little or no idea what is suitable for the Zed . You should also ensure the tyres are the same on front and rear sets
  2. wishing you a full and quick recovery, get rid and buy better next time
  3. IIRC BulletMagnet has that unit in his Zed
  4. seats look like the optional mesh ones from the roadster so £1800 is probably the nissan list price, like £2500 for the Rays wheels
  5. +1 keep the Rays for winter wheels and also to put back if you need to sell for any reason
  6. not quite as quick as Husky was
  7. Came out of Abbeys place, turned left, down the hill to the crossroads lights were red, tapped the brake.... Wow the brakes are sharp I thought as my head hit the windscreen Always wear your seatbelt
  8. I agree MadMraky is a great guy , can we order some extra strength bromide for Hugh?
  9. You owe me a new laptop - this one is full of coffee
  10. Perhaps they have filipino staff in Manila the shops all have Xmas trees up and new docorations for sale from 1st Sept - even the house & garden shows on TV run programs (more like advertorials) on this years must have colours and trends
  11. there was one like that on the M40 between Jct3 and 2 south-bound on monday morning - but on a straight bit going up hill
  12. 20" ultralite GTIIs (ET35) with standard suspension
  13. I got the same photo you did, my car is 2nd in my list
  14. needs Viagra (other drugs are available)
  15. Eat Meat!!! Steak is just the meat from cows, who have ruminated the cud several times in their 4 stomachs having first eaten GRASS - which IIRC is GREEN and VEGETABLE so Steak is just a very refined and processed derivative of vegetable matter
  16. Send a PM to martinmac, he's the roof expert
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