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Everything posted by victorb44

  1. you sure know your stuff on the history of zeds many thanks
  2. on police computer (say no more) dvla. i just wounder what the 300 in the title was
  3. if you look up reg number it comes up uk 350z 300 gt
  4. So where does the 300 in the title come from?
  5. Hi i own a uk 350Z gt 300 on a 2003 plate.I have read different reviews on its exact power,does any body know what bhp it is.
  6. Just had a new windscreen fitted in my z I must say 10 out 10 to autoglass top qualty job.
  7. when i bought a set of apec pads they came with shims all in £35.i have had no problems with apec pads good value for money stuff main dealers prices.
  8. i had this on a my old car and i found it to be someone was useing an angle grinder on the other side off the road and the partacals flow thro the air and eat into paint ,then it take a lot of work to cut them out.
  9. have you got a local engineering works near by they could make them on a lathe they would only charge about £25
  10. just bought a set of rear discs[ ebc ultimax grooved discs]for £176.99 delivered from j d motor sport .it is certanly cheaper then the main dealer and they had them in stock.so now got a job for weekend
  11. just looked at your web site very nice work i will ring over the next few days many thanks
  12. its uk car door lifts and goes back in
  13. excuse my ignorance who is paul are there any pics ?
  14. Has any one had there central dash panel (the one with the 3 small clocks in and the one around gear stick) painted and laquered.as mine i badly marked.i think this would look good if the right colour was choosen and done in a sooth finish.
  15. thanks found out i had a manual missing,found it on this site many thanks to all.works well
  16. just fitted phone device in cradle i can recieve a call no prob .do you now how to dial out? the phone is a nokia 6300
  17. the sterio headunit do you mean.is that the switched live?
  18. has any one hard wired a tomtom in the central cubby hole .cause could fix docking station in there and take power feed from back of accessory plug??
  19. thats why i posted it to warn buyers looking
  20. seen this on autotrader it cant be ture? http://search.autotrader.co.uk/es-uk/www/cars/NISSAN+350+Z/Ne-2-4-5-6-7-8-27-44-49-53-61-64-67-103-133-146-236,N-240-4294965806-4294966789/advert.action?R=200918333631637&distance=75&postcode=bs378sb&channel=CARS&make=NISSAN&model=350+Z&min_pr=&max_pr=&max_mileage=&vehicleYearOfManufacture=2006&vehicleRegLetter=
  21. just had front bumper bonnet and wings painted and i thought i would replace the inch wide black spoiler at the bottom of front bumper.went to nissan they said not in stock but could get next day at a cost of £187,34p.some one is having a bubble bath.mine was tatty on bottom edge so i got out my wood plane and took 1mm off the bottom edge then a bit of back to black,as good as new .
  22. just looked in manual it screwed on r/h thread but its thread locked on with loctite
  23. no look alright on my wheel barrow in the garden . dont put it on a zed
  24. no on a 53 plate with 60,000 miles on it
  25. been to nissan today plugged it in to box of tricks cam shaft sensor buggered guess what not in stock its in amsterdam be here on thursday.not to bad £52 i did not think that was bad.so i cant drive it i will have to polish it all week intstead.
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