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Everything posted by dawnc

  1. you'd have known if it was us Are you home safely now? I think John and Patricia was heading off in the direction of Fort William
  2. Your minute is up Dawn Pictures are great LOL had a few technical problems here they are now hopefully some are a wee bit blurry http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2 ... d5530efd42 Choo Choo
  3. really good photos am going to try and post some in a minute
  4. Got home and unpacked after a great weekend Thanks you's to ..... Stew for organising a fantastic drive out and Choo Choo Martinmac and Liz for the hospitality tent and BBQ Jayne and Fran for the cakes John and Patricia for being good company and good flatmates Vikki and Gary, Jay,Markie and Nixy, Chris and Tracy and Rick and Karen for being our good neighbours hope i remember all your names next time Thanks also to everyone else who attended and helped make the weekend very enjoyable despite the weather Hope everyone staying on for a day or two enjoys the rest of your holiday and hope everyone has a safe journay home look forward to meeting with you all again soon
  5. Really feel for you we are in similar situation at indepentant garage car has been in there since first week of July, same thing long wait for parts which were wrong and had to be reordered then they got us to order clutch ourselves ( think they were worried it would be wrong too ) its been on order now for two weeks and due either tomorrow or Monday ............ shame we leave for the Jockland Hoon tomorrow !!! I'm sure our van will enjoy the trip tho !!! Best of luck getting your car fixed
  6. Just seen this post so sorry to be a bit late with my sympathies hope when you are ready you'll get another dog bet your cat is missing him too
  7. Result ( Ythan Bakery ?? ) See you at 6am tomorrow morning Yeah Ythan Bakery early night tonight
  8. We are heading to FW early tom morning in our trusty van ( car in garage waiting for clutch still ) See you all soon John, Kenny is getting butteries for the train
  9. only one more sleep and we'll be heading up we'll be easily recognised as we'll be the ones without a zed the clutch is arriving either tomorrow or Monday see you on the HP train those of you going on it and the rest at FA later on
  10. hope its not ice cream cake Stew long drive ahead
  11. stalker alert Ross we know where you live best check your clutch is still there in morning ( car still at car clinic !! )
  12. dawnc

    My new car

    Aye aye Which car is coming to Scotland then???
  13. Aww Darren I'm really sorry that you wont make the trip hope your ankle/foot is'nt feeling too sore Really wish you'd had two tickets as I was trying to book for us today but no tickets left
  14. Ha Ha was just going to add my Hapy Birthday but see its either a very belated one or very early one We could hav a party for you next weekend
  15. Excellent , you can take all Patricia's bags of clothes and shoes then !! OOOhhhh good point never thought of that also crates of beer
  16. Really hope so but if not we'll be the ones arriving in a silver astra van
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