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Everything posted by dawnc

  1. i'll hav a drink while im waiting
  2. you would be worried you cant carry out the slap list! You'll be getting a slap for that
  3. So one of them before the ice cream next time???
  4. Looks and sounds like a fantastic trip your photos are fab
  5. We got car back today Its running well and now we just need to get the new wheels on ( one day next week )
  6. dont think we can afford petrol with the garage bill to pay!!
  7. only one vote in it and no prizes for guessing who i voted for Go Girls
  8. I love it, t makes me the music choices are spot on well done
  9. Update...... car was meant to be ready to collect today at lunchtime .............. Two mechanics off work, one because of sick kids and the other up in court !! Just a couple of hours work still to be done so fingers crossed for tommorow ...........
  10. Great photos Liz love the one of the train choo choo Husky looking Chris what a shame about the weather bet the view from up there is amazing ... we'll just have to do it again!!
  11. Just had Kenny phone me to say the clutch has been delivered to the garage and they are going to start working on car today should get car back tomorrow only a week too late for Hoon Aberdeen mini meet soon??
  12. Got home and unpacked after a great weekend ( copied this from orignal post ) Thanks you's to ..... Stew for organising a fantastic drive out and Choo Choo Martinmac and Liz for the hospitality tent and BBQ Jayne and Fran for the cakes John and Patricia for being good company and good flatmates Vikki and Gary, Jay,Markie and Nixy, Chris and Tracy and Rick and Karen for being our good neighbours hope i remember all your names next time Thanks also to everyone else who attended and helped make the weekend very enjoyable despite the weather Hope everyone staying on for a day or two enjoys the rest of your holiday and hope everyone has a safe journay home look forward to meeting with you all again soon
  13. LOL Nixy think how stale that baguette will be by the Wales meet have a good time in France lucky you
  14. dawnc

    New Car

    looks good in your drive if i may say so
  15. fantastic photos Andy ( or should that be Fran?? )
  16. Great photos Andy love the HP bridge one choo choo Husky spam great photos tho
  17. early bed tonight mrs !!
  18. me too Vikki really struggled getting up this morning and i wasn't even driving
  19. Can we have a version for those of us not on the lovely Facebook? Oh no cant you open them if you've not got facebook??? I'm confused as Kenny managed to see them and he's not on facebook???
  20. Enjoy your last night and have a safe trip home
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