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Everything posted by sally

  1. Ok, Another question so i can get to know you all a little better..... Other than the Z, what hobbies do you have? My biggest waste of time and money is my horse Able, But i would never be without him!
  2. Good luck with your Z search, You will love owning one!! Lets hope the paintwork is ok, I wouldnt trust pictures of a wet car, usually means they are hiding something!
  3. sally


    Blimey, lot's of us ladies!
  4. sally


    I thought poor little Louis might get a mention! I guess you can join our club, but it lipstick, shoes and handbag talk!
  5. Afternoon All, Just to let you all know i am chuffed to bits. Had 'Auto-Look' removing my little door dents today and he has done any amazing job. He is coming back Friday to do another 2 vehicles as my workmates were so impressed! So, if anyone is in the Ipswich area and in need of some car cosmetic repairs, Alan is the guy to use!! His website is WWW.Auto-Look.co.uk or 07941 123 423!
  6. sally


    Ok, i dont know many people on here yet so i was wondering.. How many lady Z owners are about on here? sally x
  7. I'd be a tyre, Im usually full of air!! No, only joking, Im not sure what i would be... I will have a little think and let you know later!
  8. Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday Dear Martin Happy birthday to You!
  9. Blimey, Thats HUGE! Bet you could get away with driving in the bus lane!
  10. sally

    Caption This

    Officer 1 - "Look , he has handcuffs and a truncheon on his passenger seat." Officer 2 - "Ooooh, Do you think he's one of us?"
  11. Retail at £5 plus VAT Retouching using 200 touch up pens? I want to see some pictures!!
  12. Can i ask why he would need 200 touch up pens?
  13. Thats alot of stone chips! Dulux offer a colour match system!
  14. I got mine from my local nissan dealer. Just a phone call away! If you tell them the reg number they will probably have it on the shelf!
  15. I think the girl on the Wallypower boat has no top on!
  16. Dont think a sensible insurance quote exists!! Do you have age on your side???
  17. My computer says i average 18mpg! My foots not that heavy!!
  18. I try to avoid taking my Z anywhere near the dealers! Deffo wouldnt leave it there unattended!! I had to go to Ipswich Glyn Hopkins the other day, i saw 2 staff members ragging cumsomers cars in the car park. The guy that was looking at my wheels went inside and made a complaint! If they were abusing a Micra and Almera imagine what they would do to my Z!
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