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Dave H-B

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Everything posted by Dave H-B

  1. i agree, you dont get your money back for all the mods and its is a small market to sell to, but its just a matter of finding the right buyer. buyers will get alot for there money when buying a modified car, if you can find one that suits you and if you can find out the background of a car through a forum then it gives you piece of mind that the people are genuine Yeah i think its pretty lucky that we found we wanted each others modified cars. Gonna meet up and have a good look and see what deals can be made . So i may shortly be a club member who actually ownes a 350Z
  2. WOW guys, really impressed with all the responses! Making me feel right at home. The initial reason i was looking at Josh's car was due to the fact i have a Civic Type-R to sell and thats what he is after, so it would be a swap plus some cash.(turbo charged civic with all mods you could ever need ) If i had the cash i think that Lomotos car would be sold, only let down is the colour . i had forgot to ask before if anyone knew the car and obviously you do. Has anyone seen it in person? Thanks again all, will PM Josh as well and say hi. David.
  3. I am sorry that this is my first post and i am already asking for help. I have been reading a lot of information on your forum and i am going to be getting a Z this year. At the moment i am looking at this car: http://pistonheads.com/sales/933868.htm and wanted some help with the pricing due to the mods. Is it really worth 11K with the mods? Its posted as a GT version, i contacted the seller after reading information here and he says its an ST as it was imported (guessed as much), but are they the same as the UK GT? There are UK GT cars with less mileage that this for about the same money, so are the mods really worth it, and is the mileage ok in terms of any big services needed? Thanks in advance for any help, and appologies again for questions. I know how annoying it can get answering these sorts of posts. David.
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