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Everything posted by SHEZZA

  1. Failing the above these seem to be breaking a red zed and may have what you want https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F301362068809
  2. I was going to say check the brake fluid level, have you ?
  3. Being the Zeds not been out since the last one I best come along ! 1) davey_83 2) Andy_Muxlow 3) buster 4) SHEZZA
  4. Probably still had the transport blocks in
  5. Hmmm link worked for me ! Anyway MPS4 from black circles with the 10% off worked out at about £530
  6. For £50 more for all 4 tyres @mx49 I’d be going with these with 10% off today. Use code FLASH10 https://www.blackcircles.com/order/basket/applypromotion
  7. Looking great mate. First new wheels you’ve bought in a while ! did you transfer the air from your existing ones
  8. Added @Woody928 1 . and y James + 1 PAID 2. glrnet P A ID 3. Shire + 1 P A I D 4. Andy_Muxlow PAID 5. Nso93-paid 6. SHEZZA PAID 7. TEEJAY +1 PAI 8. Liamm56 +1 PAID 9. cs2000 PAID 10. Trott + 1 P AID 11. 14N PAID 12. ShortPaul +1 PAID 13. Jay84 Paid 14. Panman +1 PAID 15. grigiux +1 PAID 16. jamesmac P AID 17. Valy - PAID 18. XSuperDan - PAID 19. Paul K +1 - Paid 20. Silverthorn - P AID 21. LIVIU - PAID 22. Nismoandy- +1 PA ID . 23. pagan PAID 24. Modo +1 Pai d 25. Hypnosis + 1 PAID 26 . Kbad + 1 PAID 27. Woody928 PAID
  9. Here for sale I have my pair of 350z mats for sale as no longer needed since upgrading to some nismo ones. Drivers mat has the usual heel marks and I’ve tried to show this. Looking for £20 plus £6.29 P&P
  10. Clark motorsport have them on there site. Give @Ewen@Clark Motorsport a shout. http://www.clarkmotorsport.co.uk/parts/10-mm-Black-Clip-Front-Bumper-Top/longer-length/112966
  11. Nothing to worry about there. Though your diff bush has gone, though again so has every other zeds as well unless they’ve been changed for poly bushes.
  12. Just spotted these on eBay. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F223323706335
  13. Looking great mate ! What shade of tints did you go for ? Need to get mine redone at some point.
  14. I had the same issue with mine when fitting a new battery. What I did was to pinch the eyelet together a bit where the bend is in the eyelet and that seemed enough to make it tight enough.
  15. SHEZZA

    What is this?

    I removed one of mine as it was in the way when I fitted a EVO R intake duct. http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/350z09b/11-2960
  16. SHEZZA

    What is this?

    Not sure what it’s called but you should find a identical one to one side of the radiator behind the grill. Guess there for channeling air towards the radiator.
  17. My thoughts exactly , when the time comes that’ll be my route. Gotta love a well looked after zed. Well done veeg.
  18. Yours are DE reflectors, hes after HR ones unfortunately.
  19. 1. Nso93 - Paid 2. cloud1440 3. 14N 4. ShortPaul 5. Silverthorn - Paid 6. Valy 7. Liviu 8. Pagan - Paid 9. Liamm56 10. Umster  11. EzeePzee - TBC 12. andy james- paid 13. Lewis Schwier 14. SHEZZA
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