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Everything posted by SHEZZA

  1. That’s great news Andy ! Looking forward to a catch up at Japfest.
  2. Have you checked the transport blocks in the springs have been removed. It was a common thing to be left in from the dealer.
  3. 1. andy James x 1 ticket + track time D and J 2. Ledfut x 1 ticket ofz3145 3. Ollie Price x 1 club ticket + x 1 Passenger ticket (no track time) 4. Fozzydaz x 1 ticket 5. Oliver350z. 1 club stand + x 1 passenger 6. Stoker11- 1 x Club ticket and 1 x passenger ticket 7. JustTheJedi x 1 ticket 8.HEADPHONES X1 ticket 9. MickTZZZ - 1 x Club ticket + track time session E 10. Theblue370 x 1 ticket + x 1 passenger 11. MrT-350z (1x club driver ticket + 1x passenger) 12. Lukey 1x Club Ticket 1x Passenger Ticket 13. Blacklist_Nismo x 1 club ticket 14. Nismoandy x 1 ticket 15. JGardner x 1 ticket + x 1 Passenger 16. Andy_Muxlow x1 ticket 17. Nathawalker x1 club driver ticket 18. Joemazza x1 club ticket + x1 passenger 19. SHEZZA x 1 ticket + x 1 passenger 20. Rob Smith x 1 ticket 21. PhilT x 1 ticket + 1 passenger 22. Paul Thompson x 1 ticket 23. Buster x 1 ticket 24. Dez x1 club ticket + x1 passenger 25. leighton archer club ticket + 1passenger 26. brandon scott club ticket + 1passenger 27.Ben350 x1 driver + passenger. Tracktime 9AM 28. mbw69 x1 driver club ticket + passenger 29. Bam370z x2 club tickets 30. Lucy Stephenson x2 club tickets 31. Lee Staples Club Ticket +1 passenger, w/ track +1 passenger (@16:20) Tidied
  4. 1. andy James x 1 ticket + track time D and J 2. Ledfut x 1 ticket ofz3145 3. Ollie Price x 1 club ticket + x 1 Passenger ticket (no track time) 4. Fozzydaz x 1 ticket 5. Oliver350z. 1 club stand + x 1 passenger 6. Stoker11- 1 x Club ticket and 1 x passenger ticket 7. JustTheJedi x 1 ticket 8.HEADPHONES X1 ticket 9. MickTZZZ - 1 x Club ticket + track time session E 10. Theblue370 x 1 ticket + x 1 passenger 11. MrT-350z (1x club driver ticket + 1x passenger) 12. Lukey 1x Club Ticket 1x Passenger Ticket 13. Blacklist_Nismo x 1 club ticket 14. Nismoandy x 1 ticket 15. JGardner x 1 ticket + x 1 Passenger 16. Andy_Muxlow x1 ticket 17. Nathawalker x1 club driver ticket 18. Joemazza x1 club ticket + x1 passenger 19. SHEZZA x 1 ticket + x 1 passenger
  5. 1. andy James AJ07 ZZZ Paid 2. Stevenholtmufc S24 DWV Paid 3. Buster V80BSV Paid 4. Humpy - VO10UZA Paid 5. Spicknuts: D17 NGG (Paid) 6. Kayleigh - K23 XCC (paid) 7. SHEZZA - B9 MAS (paid) 8. Rhysos - R23MYR (paid) 9. Jamah_zed - EY54 XPK (Paid) 10.SW66TTT - CS Z370 (paid) 11. Terence - T26RYS (paid)
  6. 1. andy James AJ07 ZZZ Paid 2. Stevenholtmufc S24 DWV Paid 3. Buster V80BSV Paid 4. Humpy - VO10UZA Paid 5. Spicknuts: D17 NGG (Paid) 6. Kayleigh - K23 XCC (paid) 7. SHEZZA - B9 MAS (paid)
  7. Thanks as always mate @andy james for organising this for us, was great to catch up again. ah that’s why Bob turned around, I did wonder. Hope you got home ok mate and it won’t be to much to sort the pheonix out.
  8. 1. davey_83 2. Cosmic73 *maybe 3. Ksaw 4. Rhysos 5. Andy_Muxlow 6. SHEZZA
  9. Try @Asad though he’s not been active since last September
  10. 1. davey_83 2. Andy_Muxlow 3. HEADPHONES 4. Monkey1983 5. StormtrooperZ 6. SHEZZA
  11. Hello from the UK, you’ve certainly found the best place for all things Zed. Welcome along 👍
  12. Cheers @davey_83 for organising today mate. A pleasure as always and a good heads up on build your own breakfast, as I was worried for a moment 🤣😋
  13. 1. andy James x1 ticket PAID. track time TBA 2. Monkey1983 x1 ticket PAID no track 3. Coz@TORQEN - 1 x Ticket PAID, no track time 4. Jamah_Zed x1 ticket PAID, No track time 5. Harrm x1 PAID 6.Humpy - 1 X Ticket PAID and no track time 7. PhilT x1 ticket PAID, plus Julie 8. Harvers x 1 ticket PAID Track time 10:45 9. BiggieJDM x 1 ticket PAID No track time (yet) 10. Tiffy350z x1 ticket PAID no track time 11. steven.b x1 ticket PAID, track time 13.00 12. Monkey Nuts x1 ticket PAID, Track time 12.00 13. MicktZZZ x1 ticket PAID, no track this year 14. Olly350z + 1 ticket PAID, no track time 15. Killick.z x1 ticket PAID, no track time 16. Ben350 x1 ticket PAID, no track time (might noise test car and add later) 17. Lewis Schwier x1 PAID 18. ShortPaul x 1 PAID 19. SHEZZA x 1 PAID
  14. I’m absolutely shattered also ! must be getting old ! Can we ask the organisers to do it on a Saturday next year so I can have Sunday to recover ! 🤣
  15. Thanks again @andy james once again for organising this and getting the crew together. I’m glad I couldn’t resist cleaning my car even though I said I wouldn’t, because it obviously made the sun come out. As for being sun burnt I learnt my lesson years ago and always keep plenty in stock as @Andy_Muxlow refers to me as the sun cream dealer ! 🤣
  16. They fit using the existing brace 👍
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