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Everything posted by mractive

  1. yer iv been researching into other cars at the minute. this is what iv come u with cheap option 2.5k mr2 turbo best resale option 6k s2000, rx-8 Various about most fun and cheap on tyres 7.5k elise http://forums.seloc.org/classified.php? ... d&id=10535 i have a problem with scoobys and anything that looks like them. sorry its a personal thing, i wont get into it, but id never buy one.
  2. do u know if they have a website? iv tried a search but came up with nothing other than somethign about an mot station
  3. if i bought that car id use it on a track so maybe i better leave this one hey i dont think you would appreciate pictures of it conjoined to a lotus
  4. oh im intrested when u free for me to look at it
  5. your rich, id buy a porsche....... ha sorry had to do that. hi rich im mike welcome, im also looking for one. there is some great advice on here mate, just dont buy one im looking at
  6. to check that will i need to bring it into some sort of test centre? i know i can check if there is any catching doors and boot etc but if its been repaired it may have been adjusted to stop this.
  7. spoke to the guy sounded like a nice guy who has been messed about a wee bit by other buyers, there r some problems though. it had some damage whic has been corrected however he said that one of the doors has not been sprayed well and needs to be repainted. also there is a dent in one of the rear arches. he wil take 7500 for it but no less. he is sending me more pictures later today with the damage and the poor paint job. iv an uncle who will do the paint job for next to nothing just got to buy the paint and help but more worried about any structural damage to chassis what u lot think
  8. thats why its left your postcode in it, sweet! going to call him now. u might wanna delete that post as it shows your postcode
  9. thats in scotland, looks really good though nice price too id be able to upgrade a few bits. i would go up there but its a bit far just to look at it id be more inclined to buy it as i wouldnt of wanted to go ll that way without coming back with it. is there anyone in scotland that wants to do me a favour
  10. ref 510 its four from the bottom of the uk stock ones, sorry i thought when i clicked on it and u could see its picture etc it would have a direct link to the one i was talking about
  11. wow good spot, ha. so what do u think about the import one above? u think its prob be raped like a skinny white guy in prison
  12. http://www.autoweb.co.uk/car_detail.asp ... ID=3591042
  13. wow great responses thanks dudes. nope im not going to strip the interior as it will be used as a run around occasional when im bored of my other beast a 1.8 green focus ha. i want this car to be some fun for a few years till i eventually crash it or i become bored of its speed on track then i eventually want to buy a porsche to have even more fun with on the track. i have found an import one which seems to have soem of the right mods but it does lead me to think i t might be thrashed, and those detailings gotta go if i did buy it. http://www.bonsaicars.com/Cars/model_index.php?mid=1
  14. my idea is to buy a car to use on track days. i was looking to get an import but have been advised by a few of you that i might as well buy a uk model. i have up to 10k to spend. what i would like to know is do u think i should spend that all on a car or try and get a cheaper example and add to it with the remaining cash? also would be nice if any of u have track cars to let me know what u have done or what u would of done if u could start again cheers
  15. sorry was me. im in the process of getting one myself but its a bit pricey for what im look for. u want a quik sale we migh be able to do a deal.
  16. might b just me but your link doesnt work
  17. cool, will do. do many of u take your cars to tracks? thats the main reason im buying this car, anyone else there the same
  18. alot of complaints about shipping and getting it through the tests but if the cars are already here as they say shouldnt that remove this problem? so is there a specific company u would recommend to get me a track day car for a reasonable price. i dont mind waiting a bit aslong as its worth the wait.
  19. i was looking at bonzai cars they have one or two cars that r in the 8 and 9 bracket already over here or on there way. im sure there going to have to take offers seen as every dock around them in southampton is ram jam full of cars. r the cars from bonzai legit like, r they a good company http://www.bonsaicars.com/Cars/model_index.php?mid=1
  20. do u recommend an importer or someone who sells imports the have brought over already
  21. http://www.motoring.co.uk/cgi-bin/vehic ... ISSAN+350Z should b able to knock a grand off this atleast
  22. yer there r some very reasonably priced ones about. and its only going to get cheaper with all these job bloddy job losses. well, it seems il have to put in a few extra hours to get it then. cool il continue browsing, is there any no no's i should look out for in terms of model selection. iv never used or been in a tiptronic car, might be a stupid question but is it basically an automatic with paddle overrides so u can drop gears ect id prefer a manual if this is the case. i might stretch to 11-12k see if i can pick up an 06, if i have to wait i will but i doubt prices will take to long to drop.
  23. Hi, and yes sorry another one of these questions. Im looking to buy a 350z to use as a track car and general run around. i was going to wait till i was 25 which is in 4 months but thanks to this site iv found bell insurance whcih knocked over a grand off my insurance with my details as 24 so guess what, i dont wanna wait no more. Ok, so now is the options of import or uk model. i ideally want to spend between 7-9 grand however i could stretch a few more at a massive push if the end product is worth the extra dollar, but would rather spend that on using the car on the track. so in todays finacial climate is there a big difference in what i will get from one of the importers to what i can buy here? i obvioulsy want as high spec as possible for that price but i presume that goes without saying. any recommendations on importers to look at would be nice, iv seen bonzai website but by the sounds of things i might not see the car for a good few months after i expect to with them.
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