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Everything posted by Jenna

  1. Hey! Just wondering if anyone was making their way on Sunday from the South area?? I'm in Chichester so if there is anyone near or will be on the way at some point in the journey would be good to tag along etc. Me + sat nav could still make for an interesting journey if i'm left to my own devices...!
  2. Jenna

    Refurbish wheels

    Cheers will try them, i'm in no great rush the damage is not to bad but I just wanted to get some good recommendations. Crawley is not to far I brought the car from a Crawley garage so its an excuse for a journey out. Thanks
  3. Jenna

    Refurbish wheels

    Magic!! Much appreciated have PM Ebized. Thank you
  4. Jenna

    Refurbish wheels

    Umm sorry to disappoint but no....it does seem to be the name of choice for the erm how to I put this.......adult industry
  5. Jenna

    Refurbish wheels

    After not one but two near misses with what can only be described as the worlds worst drivers. I now have two scuffed alloys.....a close toss up between a scuff on an alloy or a new side panel No contest really now however my car is no longer perfect, not good. Does anyone no of any good places around the Chichester area that do quality refurbishments for a reasonable price? Cheers
  6. Jenna


    Holdcroft are a trader on here, you can get a discount off them for being on the forum. PM an Admin for the code (dont ask me, I dont know what I'd doing yet ) EDIT: OK, you get 20% off apparently and I can get the code I can't work out how to put pictures on yet so there is no hop for me. If you know the code or anyone else does can you let me know.....please! Any discount is better than nothing.
  7. Jenna


    Picked up my 58 plate nearly 3 weeks ago after the initial shock of the tax completely forgot to look to see if the car had mats, or at least attempt to get them thrown in. Does anyone know where I could pick up some genuine mats apart from the dealers selling them for around £70!! Any help would be cool!
  8. Although I'm 27 with full no claims, they seem to just say 5 years+ I got mine for £500 with Virgin recently...worth a try
  9. Yeah was on the opposite side of the road coming into gunwharf, bit of an eagle eye at the moment as I hadn't seen any other zed's on the road since i got mine three weeks ago, so was slightly excited that I had spotted one!!
  10. First other 350Z spot since owning the car, coming out of Portsmouth main centre heading out towards M27. Personal number plate I think?
  11. Paid £148 for one the same as the original fitted. The nail was really close to the edge of the tyre so I thought a repair job may not have been on the cards!
  12. Am a newbie to only had the Zed for two weeks. I live and work around the Portsmouth area with friends in Southsea may see you out and about when you get your new arrival!!! Patience is a virtue so they say
  13. All done got it sorted me, nails and tyres seem to have a long standing relationship with every car I have ever owned needing a new one for this very reason. Rubbish!!
  14. Tell me about it!!! Only had the car two weeks and got a nail in the drivers side tyre not good Couldn't get it repaired either so had to shell out for new one!
  15. I work in a secondary school and although I'm officially cool now I am trying to hide the car to avoid football dents.Lol
  16. Thank you for such a warm welcome from the 'sprinkles' and non-sprinkles. I am frantically trying to find the cord that connects my camera to upload some pics.....so hopefully some to follow! Thanks again!
  17. Hello...just become the proud owner of a 58 plate 350Z in sparkly ebisu black!!! However feeling slightly protective of it maybe verging on obsessive about where I leave it. Its worth it though for the smile on my face. x
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